Posted on
01:00 AM
- last edited
2 weeks ago
Hi All,
Can someone please help me getting a stand-alone installer for the new 14.0 Safari?
Posted on 09-18-2020 02:46 PM
Posted in this discussion
Posted on 09-19-2020 04:56 AM
Whichever macOS version you need it for, you should be able to get the latest Safari by running softwareupdate -d "nameofsafariupdate", specifically in this case:
softwareupdate -d Safari14.0MojaveAuto-14.0
Then look in /Library/Updates subfolders, usually the most recently modified one, for your package, in this case:
Posted on 09-27-2020 11:22 PM
@Sterritt I'm a bit late, due to some personal circumstances, but thank you so much!
Posted on 10-08-2021 02:04 PM
softwareupdate -d Safari14.0MojaveAuto-14.0
Can you tell me what the line would be for 15.0? Another example?
Posted on 10-08-2021 07:56 PM
Last login: Tue Sep 20 16:21:26 on console
$ softwareupdate -l
Software Update Tool
Finding available software
Software Update found the following new or updated software:
* Label: Safari15.0CatalinaAuto-15.0
$ softwareupdate -d "Safari15.0CatalinaAuto-15.0"
Software Update Tool
Attempting to quit apps: (
Waiting for user to quit any relevant apps
Successfully quit all apps
Downloading Safari
Downloaded Safari
Posted on 10-29-2021 05:22 PM
Hello, what would be able/command for Safari 15.1 for Big Sur, please?
10-29-2021 09:30 PM - edited 10-29-2021 09:38 PM
$ softwareupdate -l
Software Update Tool
Finding available software
Software Update found the following new or updated software:
* Label: (Name of the updated software)
Always download: The [Label] Updated software:
$ softwareupdate -d " [Label] "