Safari Autofill Option Greyed Out

New Contributor II

Hello, I have a configuration profile that has "Allow Safari Auto-Fill" enabled under the Applications Tab of Restrictions. We have over 600 users on this profile, and randomly have users that report that the Safari Autofill Option Greyed Out. I have two users reporting the issue now. One is on an MBP with 10.12.4, and the other is on an iMac with 10.13.3.

I know there is a similar discussion from 2016, but none recommendations I have found online seem to address the issue. Has anyone had and resolved this issue?



Remove those computers from the config profile scope, then add them back so they get the updated profile

I know we have had issues with config profiles playing nice with different versions of Safari

New Contributor II

Chriskmpruitt, Thank you for responding! That was the first thing I tried and it didn't help the issue. I even wiped the machine and as soon as it re-joined jss it lost access again! It's pretty strange.


are you guys on JAMF pro 10? what OS are the ones that are working? could you update those 2 computers?

I know this will sound strange, but this has worked for us before

uncheck "Allow Safari Auto-Fill" scope to all machines (everyone will lose access)

then check "Allow Safari Auto-Fill" scope back out to all machines.