Safari extension


Hi All,

does anyone know/have extension attributes to find installed extension in Safari browser?

Shri Sivakumaran

Contributor II

We don't use this anymore, but we used to use it. Last time we did, it worked fairly well:

  • To note, I think python will need to be on the systems



#         Name:
#         Description:  This extension attribute returns a list of the names and
#              versions of all Safari add-ons installed for the current
#              user. Inspired by the managed_python3 version of Chrome Extensions script by Elliot Jordan <>
#         Author:  Daniel Mortensen <>
#         Created:  2022-10-28
#         Last Modified:  2022-10-28
#         Version:  1.0

import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import re
import sys
from SystemConfiguration import SCDynamicStoreCopyConsoleUser

def get_current_user():
		username = (SCDynamicStoreCopyConsoleUser(None, None, None) or [None])[0] 
		return username
def get_extensions(username):
		extensions_list = ("/Users/%s/Library/Containers/"
			"Data/Library/Safari/AppExtensions/Extensions.plist" % username)
		return extensions_list

def print_results(extensions_list):
    tree = ET.parse(extensions_list)
    root = tree.getroot()
    list = ""
    for key in root.iter('key'):
        match ='com.',key.text)
        if match:
            result = key.text
            list = list + result + "\n"
    return list.strip()

def main():
		username = get_current_user()
		extensions_list = get_extensions(username)
		#results = parse_results(manifest_list)
		to_echo = print_results(extensions_list)
		print("<result>%s</result>" % to_echo)
if __name__ == '__main__':


This requires python in all system

Shri Sivakumaran

Contributor III

I use this script, the only rub is it may still list an extension in the plist after you've already removed it.



user=$(stat -f%Su /dev/console)

ExtensionCheck=$( /bin/cat $extensions_list | /usr/bin/grep key | /usr/bin/grep extension)
echo "<result>$ExtensionCheck</result>"
exit 0

This scripts returns empty value when I run from Jamf EA.
when I run locally it return cat: /Users/sivakum/Library/Containers/ Operation not permitted

Shri Sivakumaran

Valued Contributor

I recently had need to deploy this:

Should be easy to tailor for only Safari.

tried this but for Safari it not gives enough details

Shri Sivakumaran