Safari Proxy issues

Contributor III

So starting to reach my sanity point with this issue and figured I'd turn for help. So here's the background:

We use a proxy server to handle connections going outside the company. A simple "http-proxy" port 80 deal. When the user first goes to an external website it asks for their password, and after that external sites show up with no issue - in theory.

In reality, this actually works quite well on firefox (our secondary browser). The first time after boot when I try to connect to an external website, it asks for my password - and things work great. Rarely do I have issues with firefox.

Safari on the other hand is the issue. After a reboot, it might ask for the password or it might not. I might work for a couple minutes or it might not work at all. At it's best it's worked maybe 5-10 minutes. Ususally if you try to connect to anything externally it thinks about it for about 2-3 minutes and then gives an error that it had issues talking with the proxy. Worst thing is that it sometimes just keeps asking for the password and eventually locks your account out (which again is no fun).

So anyone else having issues with Safari when other browsers are working fine? Anyone know of anything to fix it?


Release Candidate Programs Tester

@roiegat sounds like your proxy is ser for clients to authenticate to it over NTLM.

Firefox has better support for NTLM than Safari, so this would be why the difference.

We resolved by kerberising our proxies.. BUT we don't support Firefox.. So not sure what the impact to Firefox would then be.