SCEP Issue with Ventura

New Contributor III

Hello Nation, I'm having the issue where SCEP configuration works fine for Monterey but it doesn't for Ventura, the error only says Unable to obtain certificate from SCEP server at “ADDRESSXXX”. <MDM-SCEP:15002>


No sure what to do here and if anyone has make this work with Ventura?


Esteemed Contributor II

@Valcovish I was going to ask if you'd opened a case with Jamf Support but I see from ( on Apple's developer forums you have. You might also try usingFeedback Assistant to report the problem to Apple if you haven't already.

New Contributor III

I did tried feedback assistant without any luck, I don't think Apple is working on this problem either, no sure how we are going to fix this, Jamf Support doesn't know either.

Esteemed Contributor II

@Valcovish Are you using Active Directory Certificate Services as your PKI system? If so, have you considered setting up the Jamf AD CS Connector so that you can have certificates installed via Jamf Pro and bypass the SCEP request from the Mac? (An additional benefit is that you don't need to have a Mac connected you your org's network like you do when using SCEP for cert requests).

New Contributor III

I wonder with almost everyone having this problem, why hasn't been address