Scheduled updates

New Contributor II

I believe Scheduled updates should work, but I probably did something wrong.

So, I created a smart computer group where I added my machine. Then, I opened software updates and tried to force macOS updates for this group (I have used different flags to force the update). My machine is Apple Silicon (m1). I don't see a proper way to check scheduled updates on my machine, so I use API (v1/managed-software-updates/plans) for it.

In answer, I see already 14 plans, and most of them failed with the error "EXISTING_PLAN_FOR_DEVICE_IN_PROGRESS" .

That means at least the plan should be executed, but nothing happened.

What did I do wrong?

  "totalCount" : 14,
  "results" : [ {
    "planUuid" : "09487431-7d17-4c4f-baa2-5b5d03f7c076",
    "device" : {
      "deviceId" : "579",
      "objectType" : "COMPUTER",
      "href" : "/v1/computers-inventory/579"
    "updateAction" : "DOWNLOAD_INSTALL_SCHEDULE",
    "versionType" : "LATEST_MAJOR",
    "specificVersion" : null,
    "maxDeferrals" : 0,
    "forceInstallLocalDateTime" : "2024-01-26T13:55:31",
    "status" : {
      "state" : "PlanFailed",
      "errorReasons" : [ "EXISTING_PLAN_FOR_DEVICE_IN_PROGRESS" ]
  }, {
    "planUuid" : "24d0e5be-c56a-46b7-9b7d-763fd4eafd7b",
    "device" : {
      "deviceId" : "579",
      "objectType" : "COMPUTER",
      "href" : "/v1/computers-inventory/579"
    "updateAction" : "DOWNLOAD_INSTALL_RESTART",
    "versionType" : "LATEST_MAJOR",
    "specificVersion" : null,
    "maxDeferrals" : 0,
    "forceInstallLocalDateTime" : null,
    "status" : {
      "state" : "PlanFailed",
      "errorReasons" : [ "EXISTING_PLAN_FOR_DEVICE_IN_PROGRESS" ]
  }, {
    "planUuid" : "30a79936-7785-471d-8b2a-24a4433888d6",
    "device" : {
      "deviceId" : "579",
      "objectType" : "COMPUTER",
      "href" : "/v1/computers-inventory/579"
    "updateAction" : "DOWNLOAD_INSTALL_RESTART",
    "versionType" : "LATEST_ANY",
    "specificVersion" : null,
    "maxDeferrals" : 0,
    "forceInstallLocalDateTime" : null,
    "status" : {
      "state" : "PlanFailed",
      "errorReasons" : [ "EXISTING_PLAN_FOR_DEVICE_IN_PROGRESS" ]
  }, {
    "planUuid" : "4d4b6ea0-3cd8-4267-9a4c-fca9761a7136",
    "device" : {
      "deviceId" : "579",
      "objectType" : "COMPUTER",
      "href" : "/v1/computers-inventory/579"
    "updateAction" : "DOWNLOAD_INSTALL_SCHEDULE",
    "versionType" : "LATEST_MAJOR",
    "specificVersion" : null,
    "maxDeferrals" : 0,
    "forceInstallLocalDateTime" : "2024-01-26T12:54:31",
    "status" : {
      "state" : "PlanFailed",
      "errorReasons" : [ "EXISTING_PLAN_FOR_DEVICE_IN_PROGRESS" ]
  }, {
    "planUuid" : "53de88d7-82a7-4665-87a1-a8d28469525f",
    "device" : {
      "deviceId" : "579",
      "objectType" : "COMPUTER",
      "href" : "/v1/computers-inventory/579"
    "updateAction" : "DOWNLOAD_INSTALL_RESTART",
    "versionType" : "LATEST_MAJOR",
    "specificVersion" : null,
    "maxDeferrals" : 0,
    "forceInstallLocalDateTime" : null,
    "status" : {
      "state" : "PlanFailed",
      "errorReasons" : [ "EXISTING_PLAN_FOR_DEVICE_IN_PROGRESS" ]
  }, {
    "planUuid" : "646611d8-0447-4f0b-9a58-4e15f581e44c",
    "device" : {
      "deviceId" : "579",
      "objectType" : "COMPUTER",
      "href" : "/v1/computers-inventory/579"
    "updateAction" : "DOWNLOAD_INSTALL_RESTART",
    "versionType" : "LATEST_MAJOR",
    "specificVersion" : null,
    "maxDeferrals" : 0,
    "forceInstallLocalDateTime" : null,
    "status" : {
      "state" : "PlanFailed",
      "errorReasons" : [ "EXISTING_PLAN_FOR_DEVICE_IN_PROGRESS" ]
  }, {
    "planUuid" : "9188b418-c82e-4030-9aaa-c205278b1614",
    "device" : {
      "deviceId" : "579",
      "objectType" : "COMPUTER",
      "href" : "/v1/computers-inventory/579"
    "updateAction" : "DOWNLOAD_INSTALL_RESTART",
    "versionType" : "SPECIFIC_VERSION",
    "specificVersion" : "12.7.1",
    "maxDeferrals" : 0,
    "forceInstallLocalDateTime" : null,
    "status" : {
      "state" : "PlanFailed",
      "errorReasons" : [ "EXISTING_PLAN_FOR_DEVICE_IN_PROGRESS" ]
  }, {
    "planUuid" : "acbaa0ed-88fd-425b-b91b-b2a642baeb9f",
    "device" : {
      "deviceId" : "579",
      "objectType" : "COMPUTER",
      "href" : "/v1/computers-inventory/579"
    "updateAction" : "DOWNLOAD_INSTALL_RESTART",
    "versionType" : "LATEST_MAJOR",
    "specificVersion" : null,
    "maxDeferrals" : 0,
    "forceInstallLocalDateTime" : null,
    "status" : {
      "state" : "PlanFailed",
      "errorReasons" : [ "EXISTING_PLAN_FOR_DEVICE_IN_PROGRESS" ]
  }, {
    "planUuid" : "b3f19c33-681f-408b-87a7-5db555ac3805",
    "device" : {
      "deviceId" : "579",
      "objectType" : "COMPUTER",
      "href" : "/v1/computers-inventory/579"
    "updateAction" : "DOWNLOAD_INSTALL_SCHEDULE",
    "versionType" : "LATEST_MAJOR",
    "specificVersion" : null,
    "maxDeferrals" : 0,
    "forceInstallLocalDateTime" : "2024-01-26T12:54:31",
    "status" : {
      "state" : "PlanFailed",
      "errorReasons" : [ "EXISTING_PLAN_FOR_DEVICE_IN_PROGRESS" ]
  }, {
    "planUuid" : "bb184902-f16a-4e92-ab96-a5f161ae93c3",
    "device" : {
      "deviceId" : "579",
      "objectType" : "COMPUTER",
      "href" : "/v1/computers-inventory/579"
    "updateAction" : "DOWNLOAD_INSTALL_RESTART",
    "versionType" : "SPECIFIC_VERSION",
    "specificVersion" : "13.6.1",
    "maxDeferrals" : 0,
    "forceInstallLocalDateTime" : null,
    "status" : {
      "state" : "SchedulingScanForOSUpdates",
      "errorReasons" : [ ]
  }, {
    "planUuid" : "c869cffa-3731-42a6-8f38-f4f5017468a9",
    "device" : {
      "deviceId" : "579",
      "objectType" : "COMPUTER",
      "href" : "/v1/computers-inventory/579"
    "updateAction" : "DOWNLOAD_INSTALL_SCHEDULE",
    "versionType" : "LATEST_MAJOR",
    "specificVersion" : null,
    "maxDeferrals" : 0,
    "forceInstallLocalDateTime" : "2024-01-29T13:10:00",
    "status" : {
      "state" : "PlanFailed",
      "errorReasons" : [ "EXISTING_PLAN_FOR_DEVICE_IN_PROGRESS" ]
  }, {
    "planUuid" : "caa65e7f-9844-4ba3-bb91-f26cd853b572",
    "device" : {
      "deviceId" : "579",
      "objectType" : "COMPUTER",
      "href" : "/v1/computers-inventory/579"
    "updateAction" : "DOWNLOAD_INSTALL_RESTART",
    "versionType" : "SPECIFIC_VERSION",
    "specificVersion" : "13.6.1",
    "maxDeferrals" : 0,
    "forceInstallLocalDateTime" : null,
    "status" : {
      "state" : "PlanFailed",
      "errorReasons" : [ "EXISTING_PLAN_FOR_DEVICE_IN_PROGRESS" ]
  }, {
    "planUuid" : "e30c93c8-2a7b-4a45-96ba-0fb404e90b58",
    "device" : {
      "deviceId" : "579",
      "objectType" : "COMPUTER",
      "href" : "/v1/computers-inventory/579"
    "updateAction" : "DOWNLOAD_INSTALL",
    "versionType" : "LATEST_MAJOR",
    "specificVersion" : null,
    "maxDeferrals" : 0,
    "forceInstallLocalDateTime" : null,
    "status" : {
      "state" : "PlanFailed",
      "errorReasons" : [ "EXISTING_PLAN_FOR_DEVICE_IN_PROGRESS" ]
  }, {
    "planUuid" : "faa6e753-50a8-4500-abe1-5b195330e92c",
    "device" : {
      "deviceId" : "579",
      "objectType" : "COMPUTER",
      "href" : "/v1/computers-inventory/579"
    "updateAction" : "DOWNLOAD_INSTALL_SCHEDULE",
    "versionType" : "LATEST_MAJOR",
    "specificVersion" : null,
    "maxDeferrals" : 0,
    "forceInstallLocalDateTime" : "2024-01-26T13:50:31",
    "status" : {
      "state" : "PlanFailed",
      "errorReasons" : [ "EXISTING_PLAN_FOR_DEVICE_IN_PROGRESS" ]
  } ]


Valued Contributor II

I've been using scheduled updates for a while (along with the EAs to report on) and I've seen devices slip past the due date.. they are left on.. online etc.. but they just don't seem to update.. Its better than before, but still seems a bit hit and miss.. 

View solution in original post

Esteemed Contributor II

Thank you for clarifying too, that explains the 13.6.1 update in your earlier post I was wondering about. One thing you might also find helpful is clearing all Pending commands for the Mac(s) you're trying to update as the DDM Schedule Update command will trigger the Mac to check for available updates and if there is a pending command for that in a stuck state it might prevent the scheduled update from working.

View solution in original post


Esteemed Contributor II

@falc0n As things are currently implemented for deploying a scheduled update to any Mac that was previously targeted for an update that hasn't completed you'll want to turn off the "New user experience" on the Computer Management->Software Updates page in your JSS console so that any in-flight updates are canceled. Once canceled you can turn the experience back on and schedule a new update.

New Contributor III

Ah! Voilà! I was looking for a workaround for those annoying Mac that wouldn't run macOS updates and showing the error message "ExistingPlanForDeviceInProgress" in History > Operation System History.

Disabling the "New Feature" for Softeare Updates unfortunately clears this log for all computers, but in the end, since the update is no longer blocked, it's not a big deal.

Many thanks!

This solution worked for me when I started seeing "PlanFailed" or "WaitingToStartDDMUpdate" in the "History > Operation System History" logs.

Toggling the "Use New Feature" off/on clears these pending commands.  Ran the schedule software update command again and started getting the notification messages and eventually forced the Mac to upgrade to the latest macOS version.

New Contributor II

@sdagley Thank you for your response. Anyway, I wondered why any update request didn't executed on the machine, Even this without error:

    "planUuid" : "bb184902-f16a-4e92-ab96-a5f161ae93c3",
    "device" : {
      "deviceId" : "579",
      "objectType" : "COMPUTER",
      "href" : "/v1/computers-inventory/579"
    "updateAction" : "DOWNLOAD_INSTALL_RESTART",
    "versionType" : "SPECIFIC_VERSION",
    "specificVersion" : "13.6.1",
    "maxDeferrals" : 0,
    "forceInstallLocalDateTime" : null,
    "status" : {
      "state" : "SchedulingScanForOSUpdates",
      "errorReasons" : [ ]

Valued Contributor II

I've been using scheduled updates for a while (along with the EAs to report on) and I've seen devices slip past the due date.. they are left on.. online etc.. but they just don't seem to update.. Its better than before, but still seems a bit hit and miss.. 

Esteemed Contributor II

@falc0n Are you trying to use the new Software Update experience in Jamf Pro to do a "Download and schedule to install" on Macs running macOS Ventura or older? That won't work because the Declarative Device Management Scheduled Update command was introduced with macOS 14 Sonoma, so if you pushed that configuration to a Mac running macOS Ventura or older it's not going to do anything.

New Contributor II

@sdagley I tried to run it on Sonoma 14.2.1 and update it to 14.3

New Contributor II

I understand your point, in the history log exist updates from previous plans.
Thank you, for clarifying. 

Esteemed Contributor II

Thank you for clarifying too, that explains the 13.6.1 update in your earlier post I was wondering about. One thing you might also find helpful is clearing all Pending commands for the Mac(s) you're trying to update as the DDM Schedule Update command will trigger the Mac to check for available updates and if there is a pending command for that in a stuck state it might prevent the scheduled update from working.

Esteemed Contributor II

WARNING! - PI116287 "Scheduled Software Updates (DDM) using Specific Versions Does Not Work" 

Apparently I was incredibly lucky that using a DDM Scheduled Update specifying version 14.2.1 actually worked because there is a bug in the current implementation that generates malformed DDM commands. Use the "Latest version based on device eligibility" or "Latest minor version" options to schedule an update instead.

This bug is present as of Jamf Pro 11.2.0, and reportedly will not be fixed until after Jamf Pro 11.3.0 is released.