Posted on 08-30-2024 02:26 AM
For thoese managing lab enviroments.
We have screen saver set for when users are logged in. Does anyone know a way to set this at the login screen I have seen few threads on here but havent been able to get anything working.
Feels like another thing Apple dont want you to mess with, from reading around there seems to be some changes in Sonoma how the screensaver is handled.
Posted on 08-30-2024 07:20 AM
The screensaver only loads if someone is logged in as far as I am aware. If no one is logged in the display just turns off, and I dont think this behavior can be changed but I could be totally wrong.
Posted on 09-02-2024 12:44 AM
Thanks I have adjusted our power plan for the time being to allow machines to sleep the screen.