Posted on 06-10-2013 01:09 PM
A number of our newer Macs are unable to Netboot (seems like any that shipped with Lion or higher). We have gone through the iphelper stuff but no luck. That said, I wrote a down and dirty script to repartition the disk, install the Recovery OS, reboot to said OS and reimage. Yes, I know it's not very pretty but does what I need it to (mostly):
diskutil resizeVolume /dev/disk0s2 219G hfsx Restore 30G
killall Finder
jamf mount -server -share CasperShare -type afp -username casperadmin -password somepassword
asr restore --source /Volumes/CasperShare/Packages/CasperRestore.dmg --target /Volumes/Restore --erase --noprompt
diskutil rename disk0s3 Restore
chflags hidden /Volumes/"Restore"
killall Finder
jamf unmountServer -mountPoint /Volumes/CasperShare
The intial test device was a Macbook with no recovery partition so disk0s3 is the correct designation for the newly created Restore partition. On a newer Macbook pro, there is already an apple recovery partition so the newly created partition would be disk0s4. Is there a way I could modify this portion of the script to pick the right disk identifier?
Also with the diskutil portion:
diskutil resizeVolume /dev/disk0s2 219G hfsx Restore 30G
How would I go about setting a 30G restore partition and setting disk0s2 to whatever space was left as we have multiple HD sizes?
Posted on 06-10-2013 02:51 PM
I use the following to find a Windows partition, which is named "W7HD", and set the next boot to be from this partition:
# Script to boot to Windows Partition if it exists
# Find Windows Partition number
W7HD=`diskutil list | grep "W7HD" | cut -c 69-75`
echo Windows Partition is "$W7HD"
# Checking to see if Windows partition exists
if [ "$W7HD" != "" ]; then
echo "Windows Partition exists, setting boot..."
# Set boot to Windows
/usr/sbin/bless --device /dev/"$W7HD" --setBoot --legacy
echo "Blessed system to boot from Windows partition"
echo "No Windows partition exists... bye bye"
Posted on 06-10-2013 05:42 PM
Alternate check for a bootcamp partition:
# Get disk_s_ address of BOOTCAMP
bcamp=`diskutil list | grep BOOTCAMP | sed -e 's/^.*(disk.*$)/1/'`
We use this to dynamically detect windows partition and update bootpicker config.
It should be possible to use
diskutil list | grep 'Recovery HD' | sed -e 's/^.*(disk.*$)/1/'
to detect the Recovery partition.
Edited to correct script parts.