Posted on 01-20-2014 07:43 AM
Hi guys,
I am pretty new with scripting and really don't have an idea how to solve my problem. And as I learned from JNUC '13 - never script alone :) Hope you can help!
Unfortunately I have some Apps running with the wrong permissions, meaning kids can write into the package content to run other apps like Terminal or so. Now I wrote a script to see if the application is existent, if yes the script should check if the process is running, if yes kill process, mv the corrupt app to Utilities Folder (totally blocked for my students) and re-install a fixed version via policy trigger. So far everything works fine if I declare my variables in the script, but I would like to use it a little bit advanced by using the JAMF script parameters, so I could use the one script for similar problems.
May you guys could check my code and let me know what I am doing wrong. The Script always stops working before it mv the app, equal if App is running or not :(
Thanks in advance!
## Bavarian International School e.V. - Fabian Ulmrich
## Check for specified Application Folder - if exits move Folder
#specified AppFolder
#Process to look for
#specified Policy Trigger
## Variables
if [ "$4" != "" ] && [ "$appdir" == "" ]; then
if [ "$5" != "" ] && [ "$process" == "" ]; then
if [ "$6" != "" ] && [ "$trigger" == "" ]; then
logdate=`date "+Log: %d.%m.%Y - %H:%M:%S"`
## Creating Log
/usr/bin/touch "/private/var/log/AppMove.log" >> "${logfile}"
/bin/echo "${logdate}" >> "${logfile}"
/bin/echo "Logfile created..." >> "${logfile}"
## Check if values are set for Script in Policy Script Details
if [ "$appdir" == "" ]; then
/bin/echo "Error: No appdir value is specified."
exit 1
if [ "$process" == "" ]; then
/bin/echo "Error: No process value is specified."
exit 1
if [ "$trigger" == "" ]; then
/bin/echo "Error: No trigger value is specified."
exit 1
## Script
if [ -d "${appdir}" ]; then
/bin/echo "Check if specific App is running" >> "${logfile}"
ps aux | grep "${process}" | grep -v grep > /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
/bin/echo "Stopping process: $process" >> "${logfile}"
/bin/ps aux | grep "${process}" | grep -v grep | awk '{print$2}' | xargs kill -9
/bin/echo "No process ${process} running - continue script" >> "${logfile}"
sleep 5
/bin/echo "Moving Folder to /Applications/Utilities" >> "${logfile}"
/bin/mv "${appdir}" "${apputil}"
/bin/echo "Installing fixed version of corrupt application via JAMF policy" >> "${logfile}"
"${jamf}" policy -trigger "${trigger}" >> "${logfile}"
/bin/echo "$appdir is not an installed Application on this Computer" >> "${logfile}"
exit 0
Solved! Go to Solution.
Posted on 01-20-2014 10:47 AM
See if you can incorporate this. In short, using ps axc to look for only the process name as it shows up in something like the Application Switcher (eliminates need for grep -v's), but then using mdfind to locate the full path to the app.
processrunning=$( ps axc | grep "${process}" )
if [ "$processrunning" != "" ]; then
echo "$process found running"
appdir=$(mdfind -onlyin /Applications/ "kMDItemKind == 'Application' && kMDItemDisplayName == '$process'")
echo "App directory is: ${appdir}"
/bin/echo "Stopping process: $process"
killall "${process}"
sleep 5
/bin/echo "Moving application ${appdir} to ${utildir}"
/bin/mv "${appdir}" "${utildir}"
/bin/echo "No process ${process} running - continue script"
/bin/echo "Moving application ${appdir} to ${apputil}"
/bin/mv "${appdir}" "${apputil}"
This seemed to work for me in some limited testing. Hopefully it will work for you.
Posted on 01-20-2014 10:53 AM
or like i said pgrep
(maverick) ~ 19 11:20am% pgrep firefox
just returns a process id
and if you are using killall why not just say killall or pkill and move the app? killall and pkill wont kill anything its not supposed to kill.
you could say
killall $process
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
echo "$process found running, and killed it"
appdir=$(mdfind -onlyin /Applications/ "kMDItemKind == 'Application' && kMDItemDisplayName == '$process'")
echo "App directory is: ${appdir}"
/bin/echo "Moving application ${appdir} to ${utildir}"
/bin/mv "${appdir}" "${utildir}"
Posted on 01-20-2014 07:59 AM
Can you give an example of what you're entering for the "appdir" parameter? My first guess is it may be not seeing the correct application path to do the move.
Also, any errors in the policy log that would give a hint on the issue?
Posted on 01-20-2014 08:02 AM
Thanks for your reply - For exampe I am using the path /Applications/
Unfortunately I don't have any errors in the policy log.
Posted on 01-20-2014 08:11 AM
OK, that's what I figured, but wanted to be sure. Is the script correctly killing the open application (if its open)? Is the issue that it just won't move the app into Utilities? Will it run the jamf policy afterwards, or does it simply stop after the kill command?
Edit: One other question. Are you using http/s for your CasperShare, or is it set up as SMB/AFP?
Posted on 01-20-2014 08:14 AM
It kills the application and will stop afterwards. What I am wondering is, although the application is not open it echos "Stopping process bla bla.." The mv and trigger is not working at all.
Posted on 01-20-2014 08:17 AM
We are using AFP and have https active as well.
Posted on 01-20-2014 08:27 AM
I suspect that your kill statement is actually killing this script as well as the process you're trying to kill. As part of your "ps" lines, try also excluding the name of this script. The script is getting passed the process name as a parameter and, for the same reason you have to use grep -v grep, you need to make sure you aren't killing your own process.
ps aux | grep "${process}" | grep -v grep | grep -v
/bin/ps aux | grep "${process}" | grep -v grep | grep -v | awk '{print$2}' | xargs kill -
Posted on 01-20-2014 08:28 AM
When I use it without JAMF parameters it works fine. It looks like, the problem is to check wether the process is running or not, that's why I tried to if command the last returned value.
See this one works fine!
## Variables
appdir="/Applications/" #specified AppFolder
process="VLC" #Process to look for
logdate=`date "+Log: %d.%m.%Y - %H:%M:%S"`
## Creating Log
/usr/bin/touch "/private/var/log/AppMove.log" >> "${logfile}"
/bin/echo "${logdate}" >> "${logfile}"
/bin/echo "Logfile created..." >> "${logfile}"
## Script
if [ -d "${appdir}" ]; then
/bin/echo "Check if specific App is running" >> "${logfile}"
if ps aux | grep "${process}" | grep -v grep > /dev/null
/bin/echo "Stopping process: $process" >> "${logfile}"
/bin/ps aux | grep "${process}" | grep -v grep | awk '{print$2}' | xargs kill -9
/bin/echo "No process ${process} running - continue script" >> "${logfile}"
sleep 5
/bin/echo "Moving App to /Applications/Utilities" >> "${logfile}"
/bin/mv "${appdir}" "${apputil}"
/bin/echo "Installing fixed version of App via JAMF policy" >> "${logfile}"
"${jamf}" policy -trigger "${trigger}" >> "${logfile}"
/bin/echo "$appdir is not an installed Application on this Computer" >> "${logfile}"
exit 0
Posted on 01-20-2014 08:28 AM
look at using pgrep or pkill or killall somebody has already done some of that work for you.
Posted on 01-20-2014 08:34 AM
That's what I figured out myself by writing the output into an txt. Than I tried to grep -v the script as well, it worked once but with a different app it didn't work again. Also it did not work by using /dev/null :/
It drives me crazy, but it's also fun :)
Posted on 01-20-2014 10:47 AM
See if you can incorporate this. In short, using ps axc to look for only the process name as it shows up in something like the Application Switcher (eliminates need for grep -v's), but then using mdfind to locate the full path to the app.
processrunning=$( ps axc | grep "${process}" )
if [ "$processrunning" != "" ]; then
echo "$process found running"
appdir=$(mdfind -onlyin /Applications/ "kMDItemKind == 'Application' && kMDItemDisplayName == '$process'")
echo "App directory is: ${appdir}"
/bin/echo "Stopping process: $process"
killall "${process}"
sleep 5
/bin/echo "Moving application ${appdir} to ${utildir}"
/bin/mv "${appdir}" "${utildir}"
/bin/echo "No process ${process} running - continue script"
/bin/echo "Moving application ${appdir} to ${apputil}"
/bin/mv "${appdir}" "${apputil}"
This seemed to work for me in some limited testing. Hopefully it will work for you.
Posted on 01-20-2014 10:53 AM
or like i said pgrep
(maverick) ~ 19 11:20am% pgrep firefox
just returns a process id
and if you are using killall why not just say killall or pkill and move the app? killall and pkill wont kill anything its not supposed to kill.
you could say
killall $process
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
echo "$process found running, and killed it"
appdir=$(mdfind -onlyin /Applications/ "kMDItemKind == 'Application' && kMDItemDisplayName == '$process'")
echo "App directory is: ${appdir}"
/bin/echo "Moving application ${appdir} to ${utildir}"
/bin/mv "${appdir}" "${utildir}"
Posted on 01-20-2014 11:00 AM
@nessts][/url - Good point! killall shouldn't actually kill anything its not targeted to. I guess its just a little scary to issue a killall without first verifying its needed, but in general you're right, it should be safe to do that up front and then issue the move command.
Posted on 01-20-2014 11:15 AM
I am very happy you guys help me out. Will test this tomorrow morning and let you guys know if it works for me. But it looks really slick to me! Thanks again...
Posted on 01-21-2014 01:07 AM
@nessts][/url @mm2270][/url Hey guys, just to let you know...You are awesome! I mixed both ideas and it works fine so far. The only weird thing I got on my test machine is an error which is saying "This policy trigger is already being run" but it isn't. Any ideas? Did a restart and killall jamf on the machine, but that did not solve the prob. May you are interested how I embedded your ideas. Here is what I did...
## Process to look for
## Specified Policy Trigger
## Variables
if [ "$4" != "" ] && [ "$process" == "" ]; then
if [ "$5" != "" ] && [ "$trigger" == "" ]; then
logdate=`date "+Log: %d.%m.%Y - %H:%M:%S"`
## Creating Log
/usr/bin/touch "/private/var/log/AppMove.log" >> "${logfile}"
/bin/echo "${logdate}" >> "${logfile}"
/bin/echo "Logfile created..." >> "${logfile}"
## Check if values are set for Script in Policy Script Details
if [ "$process" == "" ]; then
/bin/echo "Error: No process value is specified." >> "${logfile}"
exit 1
if [ "$trigger" == "" ]; then
/bin/echo "Error: No trigger value is specified." >> "${logfile}"
exit 1
## Script
appdir=$(mdfind -onlyin /Applications/ "kMDItemKind == 'Application' && kMDItemDisplayName == '$process'")
if [ -e "${appdir}" ]; then
processrunning=$(pgrep "${process}")
if [ "${processrunning}" != "" ]; then
/bin/echo "$process found running" >> "${logfile}"
/bin/echo "App directory is: ${appdir}" >> "${logfile}"
/bin/echo "Stopping process: $process" >> "${logfile}"
/usr/bin/killall "${process}"
/bin/echo "Moving application ${appdir} to ${utildir}" >> "${logfile}"
/bin/mv "${appdir}" "${utildir}"
sleep 5
/bin/echo "Installing fixed version of App via JAMF policy" >> "${logfile}"
"${jamf}" policy -trigger "${trigger}" >> "${logfile}"
/bin/echo "No process ${process} running - continue script" >> "${logfile}"
/bin/echo "Moving application ${appdir} to ${utildir}" >> "${logfile}"
/bin/mv "${appdir}" "${apputil}"
sleep 5
/bin/echo "Installing fixed version of App via JAMF policy" >> "${logfile}"
"${jamf}" policy -trigger "${trigger}" >> "${logfile}"
/bin/echo "Application moved...Done" >> "${logfile}"
/bin/echo "Application does not exist" >> "${logfile}"
exit 0