Posted on 11-09-2007 11:42 AM
I have a script that I made to setup someone's entourage the first time they
log in. I use to have it as a startup item built into the core OS image.
Is there anyway I can install the script at imaging time and have it run
when the user logs in? I know you can have a script after the computer
reboots, but I need this one to run when they log in.
Rich Dagel | Senior Technology Specialist | Landor Associates |
1001 Front St. | S.F., CA. 94111 | 415 365 3933 |
Posted on 11-09-2007 12:04 AM
First of all Rich, what do you mean by newly build? Freshly imaged or straight out of the box untouched by casper? If its just been imaged it should start to checkin with the JSS straight away pretty much (or whatever your scheduled task is set to run at).
The Admin popup is fixed by editing a couple of XML files in the Adobe Acrobat folder in the root library. If you like you can either edit the files and re push the Acrobat package out or probably more simply just push the files out after you have edited them.
The organizer fix is done by creating a folder and running a script.
Many Thanks
Daniel Marshall
Colyer Group
(t) 0207 833 2682
(f) 0207 833 1626
(e) d.marshall at
Posted on 11-09-2007 11:46 AM
Hi Rich
Just make an ongoing policy out of it, once per user and then set it to trigger at login, I have the same thing setup to provide a symbolic link to non administrator accounts who use Acrobat 8 (the organizer fix) seems to work pretty well.
Many Thanks
Daniel Marshall
Colyer Group
(t) 0207 833 2682
(f) 0207 833 1626
(e) d.marshall at