Posted on 06-04-2018 10:00 AM
Looking for a way to make the JAMF magic happen so that when a computer is first turned on and prestage starts up, it will prompt the user via a script to add themselves to the computer as a local account. I have a script now that runs to name the computer following our naming conventions, but that's after logging into the computer and starting up self service...
Hmm, is there a way to get self service to begin immediate after coming out of prestage ???
Posted on 09-21-2018 03:59 AM
@fsteffy i know this is old and you probably found a solution but incase you were still wondering this may help!
Posted on 09-21-2018 04:10 AM
you can do this via the PreStage enrollment, just tick one of these buttons....
admin or Standard..
Posted on 09-21-2018 04:15 AM
I mean, create the local user account without using a script / self service ;-)
Posted on 09-21-2018 10:25 AM
Are we talking DEP, or BYOD? I ask because I just spent quite a lot of time working on this in a BYOD environment and might be able to give some pointers and point out my mistakes. We successfully on-boarded our student BYOD machines and converted their local admin accounts to local, Standard accounts using Enterprise Connect (AD) credentials.
P.S>JAMF just bought NoMAD, who just so happens to have a product that does this... So, one way or another onboarding is going to get a LOT easier. We're Enterprise Connect users here, but I would happily swap that for a JAMF/NoMAD solution next year.