Scripts Cut Off

New Contributor III

Are anyone else's script views being limited to 14 lines? What gives? 

Screen Shot 2022-03-07 at 9.01.47 AM.png


Legendary Contributor III

This seems to be related to which version of Jamf Pro you're on. For example, we're still on an older release and ours is limited to 24 lines. Still woefully small, but a little better than 14. I honestly don't understand why there is any limit at all. I should be able to see the entire script and just scroll my screen and not only see a limited portion of it inside a window. Makes no sense.

The Jamf Pro script editor is both a blessing and a curse. It's great we can make edits to our script and create new ones in place, but trying to use it as a full script creation or editing tool gets frustrating really fast. I never do more than very minor edits within that UI. For any larger edits, I use BBEdit or Visual Studio Code for editing and then copy/paste over the script in Jamf Pro. This also allows for localized testing, which is a good idea before overwriting a script in your Jamf repository anyway.

To be fair, I don't think Jamf ever intended for the built in script editor to be anything but a quick editing window and not intended to be used for major writing or editing of scripts. Still, they should expand the window that we can see the script in at the very least. 14 lines is pathetically small.

New Contributor III

It's especially absurd considering there was no limitation on the prior version. Thanks for your input, happy to hear I'm not the only one dealing with this madness. 

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

@kavila This is a PI that showed up (again) in 10.36:


PI-109809: In Jamf Pro 10.36.0, the Script window only displays 14 lines.

Jamf Support advises: โ€œCurrently there is no workaround for this.โ€


Almost a year today Jamf Pro 10.28 did the same thing. whaaa 

Legendary Contributor III

This is unfortunately not uncommon with Jamf Pro releases. Jamf seems to have some issue with bug regression in their development process. I did recall this was a problem on some older release, but couldn't remember specifically which one, so thanks for pointing this out. Hopefully they can address this soon.

Valued Contributor II

Jamf has also removed(?) most of the script themes and syntax highlighting has disappeared. Very bad regression. 

New Contributor III

Noticed that as well. Baffling. 

Legendary Contributor III

Yeah, I'm seeing that in the most recent release. Good grief. Why would they remove those features? What did they ever do to anyone?

Not applicable

here, too. we are running 10.36.0. It's not a bug, it's a feature :-D

this behavior should be fixed in the last update, but it is not.

New Contributor

If you are changing the cut-off options for the finalization when building factory toolkit, copy the cutoff.json.default to your board overlay into file path chromeos-base/factory-board/files/py/config/cutoff.json. Change values in the config file, and rebuild a new factory toolkit. This config file also applies to reset shim.

My Balance Now


New Contributor III

Really frustrated to see this return ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€