Segregating IOS and macOS JSS

New Contributor II

Hello, I have reached 13k iOS and 2500. We had an issue on Friday that took everything down and took a day to get backup, due to load on the current infrastructure. Adding more jss's to the mix fixed it. During the process, we could not deploy machines using DEP.

I have been thinking of splitting off ios and macOS. One for load but two to help more with reliability incase of another outage.

Would this be recommended? I would like to keep the same sql and not split it off, have 4 load balanced' jss's for ios on a single vip. The another vip, have two jss's for macOS.

Does anyone see any problems with this? I realize sql is now a single point of failure but load and jss has been the issue, not sql's reliability.


Valued Contributor II

I think you could probably get your issues addressed without going that route. You might start with making sure you aren't being impacted by PI-004441. Check with your TAM. It causes a pretty significant performance problem in large environments.

New Contributor II

What is PI-004441?

Valued Contributor II


Please contact Support for more information on the Product Issue mentioned.

You can get in touch with Support by either giving us a call, sending an e-mail to, or by using the My Support section of Jamf Nation.

Support will be able to accurately determine whether or not you're seeing issues related to PI-004441.

Were Wulff
Jamf Support

Valued Contributor II

@bgovoni I'd talk to your Account Manager about it as it may or may not apply to your environment. I don't know enough about it to say it's going to be a problem for everyone in every scenario.


what are you running our jss on currently?