Self Service 8.52 won't launch

New Contributor III

Having problems with 1 computer where Self Service will not launch. It gives an error message "Self service has encountered a problem. Self Service was unable to locate the necessary preferences."

I have tried deleting the User/Library/Preferences/com.jamfsoftware.selfservice.plist empty trash and re-launch Self Service but it still gets the same error message. Any help would be appreciated.


New Contributor III

Never mind I figured it out. The computer that was giving me the error message was un-managed by Casper. Once I set the computer to be managed again self service started working again.

But that error message couldn't have been more ambiguous and mis-leading.

New Contributor III

Bump. I agree this message is decidedly unhelpful. It should warn the user that the JSS can't be reached or something that points you in the direction of checking the JSS connection.