Posted on 02-11-2010 12:43 AM
What we did here because we had the luxury of having a good amount of
time to accomplish our goal was to use an ARD Task Server to run the
quickadd package on our client machines. We didn't of course hit all
of them machines as we have just shy of 5000 macs. Some of which are
no longer on the network. But it did get the quickadd on the vast
majority of the machines for us rapidly.
Dustin Dorey
Technology Support Cluster Specialist
Independent School District 196
Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan Public Schools
dustin.dorey at
Posted on 02-11-2010 05:14 PM
We have around 24,000 macs in our district, we have pushed out the quickadd package via ARD to about 3,000 machines in about a 2 week time period. For us this consisted of pushing the package to about 80% of the machines at each site remotely, then physically going onsite and turning the remaining 20% of the machines on to install the client. We also created a package to populate the local Computer Info field with the name Casper, in system prefs, sharing, remote management, computer settings, that way when we scan the network with ARD we can quickly tell who has the client installed.
Hasaan Herrington
Technical Support II
Information Technology
Anchorage School District