Self Service auto-installing on ios 10 trouble

New Contributor III

We are a device based district so we tried not using AppleID's this year on our iPad Mini 4's. Has been going smoothly until recently. Now when I open up a new iPad that is already updated to 10 it keeps asking for an AppleID before installing Self Service. Is there any work around or am I just doing something wrong? Any info would be much appreciated. Gracias.


New Contributor III

It seems to affect our whole self service. Now they need to be signed in to download any app.

Contributor III

Device-based licensing isn't working for us using JSS 9.92.xxxxxxxxxx for iOS 10 iPads. Supposedly this is updated to be working in JSS 9.96.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@cpdecker JSS only supported iOS10 & macOS 10.12 as of 9.93, with proper support in 9.96.

New Contributor III

I'm wondering ... in your SETTINGS-- Mobile Device Settings -- Self-Service -- General
Is your "Install Automatically set to "Neither" ? because I had the same issue until I set it to "Neither (Manual Installation)"

Valued Contributor

To solve this problem, you can install the Self Service Web Clip and make it non-removable. Then remove Self Service Mobile App from your configuration (DEP or Configurator).

Hope this helps,
Jared :)

New Contributor

I can confirm that upgrading to 9.96 from version 9.92 fixed the issue for us. We had the same problems with both self service and auto install with version 9.92 on ios 10. Thanks!