Self Service Blank

Not applicable

Having a strange issue with Self Service. A user launches the Self Service
app, and the app loads to a blank white screen...nothing more. Seeing this
with v7.3 and v7.3.1. Running v7.3.1 on the JSS. I can still connect to
the web-version of Self Service.

Anyone seen this? Any ideas?


Steven Diver
Network Manager // Adlai E. Stevenson High School
Email: sdiver at // Phone: 847.415.4304


Contributor III

This is usually a sign of a version difference between your Self Service app and the JSS itself. Make sure they are the same.

Craig E


I had that problem if I just overwrote Self Service on the client and not delete the application before copying the new version to the client.


David Kucmierz
Mesquite ISD Technical Services


Correct version of self service?

Can u do a command line test of the jss

Jamf testjssconnection

Or something like that


Not applicable
"Ernst, Craig S." <ERNSTCS at> on August 2, 2010 at 9:41 AM -0500 wrote: This is usually a sign of a version difference between your Self Service app and the JSS itself. Make sure they are the same.

Both the JSS and the Self Service app are at version 7.3.1.

Criss Myers <cmyers at> on August 2, 2010 at 9:44 AM -0500 wrote: Can u do a command line test of the jss

I can connect to the JSS via the command line just fine.

sudo jamf checkJSSConnection
Checking the availability of
The JSS is available.

I also replaced the Self Service app just to be sure, replacing 7.3 with
7.3.1 in some cases, in other cases replacing 7.3.1 with no
avail. I also rebooted the JSS, again, nothing.


Steven Diver
Network Manager // Adlai E. Stevenson High School
Email: sdiver at // Phone: 847.415.4304

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

I can confirm that it is happening here at my site as well. I was waiting
On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 9:54 AM, Steven Diver <sdiver at> wrote:
to open a support ticket until I had a chance to reboot the JSS, but I
haven't had that opportunity yet. Both JSS and SelfService app are at 7.31
and the app was replaced not copied over (delete and install).

I'm opening a support ticket in a little bit and will post any remedies we
come up with.

Steve Wood
Director of IT
swood at

The Integer Group | 1999 Bryan St. | Ste. 1700 | Dallas, TX 75201
T 214.758.6813 | F 214.758.6901 | C 940.312.2475

Contributor III

I can confirm this as well on version 7.31, getting a white screen in Self Service with versions at the same level.

Craig E

Contributor III

Hi Folks,

Was on the phone with JAMF about this, and here’s the likely issue for folks. Solved my issue.

In order to get mine to work I also needed to be sure my binary was the correct version and then run through enforcing management framework on my system.

Doing this manually on a system from terminal for testing a single box:

sudo jamf upgrade

sudo jamf manage

Here’s what I failed to realize, when I read that the upgrade just happens automatically for the binary in version 7.3 and that command is deprecated, I didn’t perform my usual Update JAMF Binary policy when I do a version upgrade. This is not the case. Once a binary is ON version 7.3 or higher THEN it will start doing automatic upgrades when your JSS is updated.

So for those on version 7.3X it might still be worth going one more round of using a policy to update your JAMF binary on everything and enforce framework.

I hope that helps. Cheers, JAMF for the quick response.

Craig E

Not applicable

I can confirm that some of our client machines having issues have the JAMF
binary 7.31, Self Service 7.31 and the JSS is running 7.31. I have
re-enforced the Management Framework on a machine known to be having the
problem, by issuing sudo jamf manage via Terminal. However, the client
machine continues to launch Self Service to a blank screen.

I did put in a support ticket with JAMF, and they replied with what you
have pointed out below, which does not solve my issue. If I get any
additional information, I will pass it along.


Honored Contributor

This also happens if the account info on the machine in the JSS for the
managed account goes wrong. I just had a bunch of machines that somehow
got corrupted. If I viewed the machine in inventory, then edited it,
then edited the account casper uses for ssh, it fixed the issue. Self
Service does use that account over ssh to authenticate to the JSS.

Hope this helps


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New Contributor
New Contributor

I'm not sure if this was ever resolved for some of the people experiencing it, but I discovered the problem I was having with Self Service coming up blank with Macs I have managed by my development JSS server, so I thought I would share.

It turns out that I had the URL of the JSS entered in the "JSS URL" field of the "JSS URL/Certificate" section of the "Management Framework Settings" without the trailing "/".

I discovered this by comparing the new (with version 8.0) /Library/Preferences/com.jamfsoftware.jamf file on a Mac managed by my development JSS and a Mac managed by my production JSS:

defaults read /Library/Preferences/com.jamfsoftware.jamf

Then changing the URL in this file on the development Mac:

defaults write /Library Preferences/com.jamfsoftware.jamf "jss_url" "https://<servername>:8443/"

And launching Self Service--which then worked just fine. I changed the "jss_url" back and forth a couple of times (with and without the slash) to verify that this was the cause. Then I went and changed the URL in the JSS web interface. After a re-image of my test computer, all is well with Self Service again.

Hope this helps someone.

Justin Sako
Mac Engineer
Leander ISD
email: justin.sako at
phone: (512) 570-0511

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi All

I have an issue that has started on only 1 computer so far (iMac)

Self-service was working fine on it yesterday but today when I went to open it I get just a blank window. A white page with nothing on it.

I Have tried

A) Checking versions of both self-service, binary and jss are the same

B) Tried V7 as well as V8 Self Service

C) Jamf manage/checkJSSConnection all work fine, no errors reported.

D) Tried re downloading Casper and opening self-service from there.

I am at a loss trying to get it working on this imac

I have not had any other issues on other macs.

Also when I press the "Home" button in self-service, it refreshes instantly, looks like it is not even trying.

Any ideas?



John Szaszvari
Network Manager | Monte Sant' Angelo Mercy College
02-9409-6281 | jszaszvari at | 128 Miller St, North Sydney

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi Dan

I just tried this but it still is not working.

I also just uninstalled the jamf recon agent and self-service, Reinstalled the agent, did a recon but still getting a white screen.


New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi Dan

This fixed the issue.

I changed the URL of the JSS the other day using the createConf function but did not include the "path /" option.

I saw a few posts on the internet with my issue saying to resolve it to add "/" to the path in /etc/jamf.conf (But that didn't help as that file no longer exists)

Thanks Dan, Looks like it was just adding -path / to my create command


Honored Contributor

We have this issue with casper 8 too, though it is random and intermittent so I have no idea what is causing it