Posted on
01:08 PM
- last edited
4 weeks ago
Hello, I am fairly sure I am doing this right, but I may be missing something simple.
I have added a package under management with a JRE installer. I have created a policy and scoped it to a test computer, and checked to have it added to self service.
I open self service and the package is not present. Right now I have the package set as cache since I don't want to install it on the computer, I just want the option to install it present within the self service.
Is there something I am missing as to why it would not be showing up ?
I have tried running
jamf manage
jamf flushPolicyHistory
jamf policy
And I can see it pull the policy and cache the java, I just don't see it in the self service.
Posted on 11-22-2016 01:28 PM
Just to clarify, do you have a separate policy in Self Service to Install Cached package?
Posted on 11-22-2016 01:33 PM
I have a Package Made, and a Policy corresponding to that package, where I have checked Make Available in self service under the Self Service tab.
Posted on 11-22-2016 01:38 PM
Understood. My interpretation is that you currently have one policy which caches the package and that policy is available in Self Service. This doesn't automatically allow you to then install the package from Self Service. It only allows you to run the cache policy from Self Service. You'll need another policy to "Install Cached" and that policy will need to be in Self Service to accomplish what I believe you're looking to do.
Posted on 11-22-2016 06:34 PM
I think you need a policy to cache JRE installer,another policy to" install cached", the scope is a smart computer group "JRE installer cached", and make the policy available in self service. After JRE installer cached, the install JRE install cached policy will show up in self service.
Posted on 11-23-2016 09:07 AM
If you didn't set the policy to 'ongoing' it wont show as it's already ran the policy??
As previously stated, You'd need to create anothe rpolicy to 'install" the cached package.
You could then add that to self service ??
If I'm not missing the whole gist??