Self Service policy title size

New Contributor III

Here is a view of our Self Service app. I not the server admin, but I was wondering if there is a way to change the title size of individual policies. **Edit: I should clarify that I do co-manage a branch, not the full JSS.


The arrow is indicating the part I'd like to change. Right now, the printer names are too large to fit in the pre-determined space given and I don't want to have users clicking on each one to check what the name is. I'm not currently concerned that the titles will be too small to read. How do you get this accomplished?

Thanks for reading and replying!


Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

I have a post about how to find this kind of information in Self Service: How to Dig Into Self Service

It is most likely on a CSS style sheet on the server, so you would indeed have to get a server admin involved to change it. You'd also have to change the CSS every time you ran the JSS installer on the server to run updates on your JSS for new releases.

New Contributor III

Thanks for the link! That's good stuff. I'm guessing the titles for the individual policies are also headers? Sounds like it wouldn't be hard to apply CSS to just our site's printer Self Service page, amIright?