Self Service Updates IOS mobile devices

New Contributor

Has anyone had a problem with updates being installed through self service on mobile devices. I can install the apps fine. It asks for apple id, password, and installs the app. When I look under the updates section in self service it lists my updates for the apps. I choose install updates and it never asks for apple id or password and try's to install. It never completes the install, progress bar goes to about 50 percent and then prompts "unable to download applications" to retry or done. I don't understand why i can install the app from self service but get the message when I try to update. Running JSSv8.52 on OS X 10.7.4 and IOS version 5.1.1. Thanks in advance for your help!


Legendary Contributor III

In house apps or App Store apps? I believe these are each handled differently.

New Contributor

Sorry I should have specified - App store apps installed through self service.

Legendary Contributor III

I'm not sure if this still holds true but I think "Updates" in the iOS web clip only applies to in-house apps, not App Store apps. I thought those updates still needed to go through the regular App Store icon.
From what you said above, it sounds like you're trying to install App Store app updates through the Casper Self Service web clip, but its failing. Am I understanding this correctly?

New Contributor

I have installed roughly 20 app store apps to a group of 25 ipads through the self service web clip. I have not created or push out any in house apps. After installing the app store apps through self service a notice shows up under updates in the self service tab with the number of app store apps that need to be updated (5 of the roughly 20). When I cross refrence this to the actual app store and check for updates it tells me none are needed. When I check the version of these apps it wants to update they are the same version as what is already installed; aswell as the current version in the app store itself. I'm not try to install any updates its just generating this notification its self.


Have you gone into the JSS and looked at what version is displayed under the Mobile App Catalog? I notice if you don't update the version number then this shows up.

New Contributor

btaitt thanks for your reply, however I just double checked and all of the apps have the same version information displayed in the mobile app catalog as the version it is prompting me to update to.

New Contributor

We are seeing the exact same thing on 30 iPads we deployed last week. JSS=8.5.2, OSXServer=10.7.4, IOS=5.1.1 on iPad3. All apps are set "Make available in self service". The apps install just fine and then a little while later, the same versions show up in the "Updates" portion of self service. This does not appear to be happening on our iPad2's which have version 5.1.0, but need to do more testing to be sure.

New Contributor

Update to my 9:16am post. We are actually seeing the Updates issue on all versions, not just 5.1.1 as I last reported. JAMF support is aware of the issue and they are planning to release a fix in version 8.6. They have a workaround that will "hide" the Updates tab until the fix is released.

New Contributor

Thanks for the update Webster! I'll find the work around and take a look.

New Contributor III

Do you have a link to the workaround? I can go into the file and edit the code to delete/hide the tab but if there is an easier way I'd love to know

New Contributor

I walked through the "work around" with JAMF support last week. It simply removes the "Updates" tab from Self Service. I was also informed that this will be corrected in version 8.6 due out in "two weeks" or so.


New Contributor III

We had the same issue. The work-around to remove the Updates tab from Self-Service provided by JSS support is as follows:

On the JSS server, depending on the OS, go to the Tomcat directory and then to /webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/mdss. In here, make a backup copy of the catalog.jsp file. Now, give yourself read and write privileges to the catalog.jsp file, and open it in TextWrangler or another good text editor with the ability to show line numbers.

Delete the text starting at line 930 and ending at 940. The text that needs to be removed is:

<a href="javascript:showUpdates()">

<%if(updates.isEmpty() && !mdmupdateAvailable){ %>

<img src="../images/mdm/Updates.png" class="centerIMG">

<%}else{ %>

<img src="../images/mdm/UpdatesWithBadge.png" class="centerIMGWithBadge">


<%=updates.size() + (mdmupdateAvailable?1:0)%>





After this is done, we should have the updates button placeholder still in the file like this:

<li id="updatesButton">


Save your changes, and then test out Self Service on the mobile device. This is a live change and does not require the restart of Tomcat. Once the next version of the JSS is released, this file will be overwritten and corrected.


Thanks for the temporary fix. We've been having users 'break' their apps by updating.

New Contributor II

We are using iOS 8.3 and iPAD Air 1 with JSS 9.72.

I've the same Problem.
In my self service appear several Apps for an update. I do the update, and the apps getting installed. I close the self service, and reopen it again. Now the Updates appear again.

I've already checked the versions in the App Configuration on the JSS.

PS.: One of the Updates I in the meantime get rid, but the others appear ech time again.

Does anybody knows help?