Posted on 04-16-2013 09:07 AM
I have separate license for Adobe Acrobat Pro. In license tracking I've noticed under licenses used it is adding both the stand alone application license and the Creative Suites license. How can I separate these from each other?
Posted on 04-16-2013 09:10 AM
Bundles are inseparable. I seem to LAB testing, pushing a stand-alone copy of Acrobat Pro X on top of an existing CS6 install (which includes Acrobat Pro X) and having problems afterwards, and having to re-push CS6 to get things working again.
Posted on 04-16-2013 09:17 AM
Thanks Don maybe I was not clear, I'm trying to start tracking my license used under Licensed Software Management. Lets say I have 12 CS6 licenses and I have 5 Adobe Acrobat Pro Licenses. under Licenses used for CS6 it will show 12 and under Adobe Acrobat Pro licenses used it will show 11 instead of only 5. I want to know how to separate these out. sorry for the confusion.
Posted on 04-16-2013 09:24 AM
Ahh...I wonder if SWID tags work in this case? William Smith (aka @TalkingMoose) of 318 posted:
Posted on 04-16-2013 10:06 AM
Thanks Don, I'll see if I can make that work for me.