Set Wallpaper macos Sonoma - switch back after login

New Contributor

Hi together,

we have some find of strang issue here. We want to set a corporate wallpaper for our managed MacBooks. We tried different approaches already mentioned in this community. At the moment the setup is with Desktoppr, the wallpaper will be copied in the prestage and then set via a script which checks if the wallpaper is available, checks the logged in user and then set the background picture. This works and the wallpaper is set. Also different approaches with Lock wallpaper works until this step.


The strange issue we are experencing is on the M series Macs. The lockscreen appears with the corporate wallpaper, after the login the wallpaper is gone and the standard macOS Sonoma wallpaper is there. After 10 to 15 seconds the corporate wallpaper appears again and is there. We also have one Intel Mac in testing and there it is not the case.


Any ideas what is causing this issue?

Best regards


Esteemed Contributor

Any script you run with Jamf will run in the root space, and you are likely setting the wallpaper for root and not the user. Is there a reason you are not using a Configuration Profile to set the wallpaper? 

Thanks for the reply. It is the same issue with a Configuration Profile. First solution was to use the Configuration Profile and Lock Desktop picture and provide path to the Desktop Picture. After that I tried the solution with the script. But the script is reading the logged in user and then execute in the user context. This also works, but then after the login the issue occurs with the wallpaper disappearing and reappear 10 to 15 seconds later.

Esteemed Contributor

You should only be using a Configuration Profile, there are no needs for scripts.


If the wallpaper is being "reset" I would check for any workflows you have that may be deleting/replacing the image file as if the image is missing the wallpaper returns to default. For example, if the package with the images is deployed during the prestage, and again with a policy after the user logs in.

The script was only for testing if there is some error depending on the Configuration profile. But the issue is the same with the script or the Configuration Profile. But only exists on the M series Mac test device and not on the Intel Mac test device.

There is one policy for the installation of the Wallpaper pkg directly after the enrollment. This is working and the jpg file is already there. The timestamp is not changing, so picture is there the whole time. There is no other policy after the enrollment for the Wallpaper. Then the script or Configuration profile is used to set the picture as the wallpaper. Of course not both, script was only for testing as alternative. 

But the issue stays the same, lock screen is with the Wallpaper, then after login the Wallpaper is gone, the Sonoma Wallpaper is there, looks like it is zooming or something like that and then 10 to 15 seconds later the corporate Wallpaper is back and shown.