Setting SW Update Server in Casper 9

Contributor II

Is there a way to simply set the SW update server for clients in a policy without actually installing updates in Casper 9.0? The old area in the packages payload of the policy where you could set the server but not actually run the updates as part of the policy is gone. Unless I am missing something, if you configure the SW Updates payload it runs SW update for all available updates.


Valued Contributor II

setup software update servers in your computer management settings, then in your networking area in the network segment, you can set the default software update server per network segment. The box does not appear until you create the software update server first.

Legendary Contributor III

Huh. There sure doesn't seem to be an easy way to do that anymore. Yet another thing removed in version 9 for no apparent reason it seems. You can of course set a SUS programmatically with a defaults command for example in the Run Command field, now called "Execute Command" located in the Files and Processes payload. But the older JSS way used the computer's management framework (location, building, etc) to determine the appropriate server to be assigned to the Mac, if you have multiple ones and multiple sites. I'm not clear on how you'd emulate that behavior now.


Just ran into this problem... very annoying!!

Contributor II

For what's it's worth, I am using a shell script to set this. It is not super elegant but it gets the job done.

New Contributor II

Might be OT but does anyone have info on configuring a downstream or child SUS? I only want to do approvals once, not on all of my site SUS servers. I'm using Apple's product, not the JAMF appliance. TIA.



have a look at!topic/reposado/lokxC7Q50vg

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@evarona, I think you mean "cascading" Software Update severs.. What OS is the server?

I've an old post on it, just need to update with 10.8/10.9's paths to the files.

New Contributor II

/url][/url][/url">@calum_carey][/url][/url][/url: Thanks! The word "cascade" in that post lead me to what seems to be working. [This Apple article lays it out perfectly for MtLion. I kept Googling `child` or `parent` and couldn't find it.


New Contributor II

Thanks @bentoms, Glad to see 10.9 you're on it for Mavericks. Let me know when you update it. 10.9 is next on one of my lists.