Setup Your Mac (1.15.0) with SYM-Helper (1.2.0) via swiftDialog (2.5.0)

Valued Contributor II
Optimized to leverage SYM-Helper (1.2.0), Setup Your Mac (1.15.0) leverages new features of swiftDialog (2.5.0)


Apple’s Automated Device Enrollment  helps streamline Mobile Device Management (MDM) enrollment and device Supervision during activation, enabling IT to manage enterprise devices with “zero touch.”

Setup Your Mac is a script which aims to simplify initial device configuration by leveraging swiftDialog  and Jamf Pro Policy Custom Events  to allow end-users to self-complete Mac setup post-enrollment.

SYM-Helper is a stand-alone macOS app to help Jamf Pro admins more easily deploy Setup Your Mac.

Setup Your Mac (1.15.0) with SYM-Helper (1.2.0) via swiftDialog (2.5.0)

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Contributor II

Thanks.  I switched to this from DEP Notify.  I like the features in this better.
Both work but I like the install overview and time estimates in this product better.

That and this is updated on a regular basis.



About to start using this instead of DEPNotify, particularly the SYM-Helper tool since we set up machines prior to giving it to our end users.

I do have a question about  the "validation" feature. I read thru the introductions, but still not quite understand what it does. 

Valued Contributor II