Shared iPad PreStage - Unable to Turn on Activation Lock


When I try to turn on "Enable Activation Lock on the device (Apple School Manager, Apple Business Manager)" in PreStage Enrollments, and the Shared iPad option is also selected, when I click Save it always ends up clearing that Activation Lock option.

I can only turn it on if I disable the Shared iPad option.

Do you guys see this as well?



Did you ever figure this out?

I'm wanting to Enable Activation Lock for shared iPads too, but also get the same issue (when I click Save it always ends up clearing that Activation Lock option).

New Contributor

I had the same issue and reached out to JAMF support, this is a known issue documented here: 

PI101511 - PI-007273 Activation Lock cannot be enabled or disabled on Shared iPads.


Unfortunately, there is no current workaround for this issue. However, it is still possible to enable Device-Based Activation lock, but it can't be done in PreStage- due to the product issue in Jamf Pro. We will instead have to enable Activation Lock with a Mass Action or individual MDM command to a device after enrollment.

Hope they fix it soon

Correction from JAMF support. The product issue is actually PI110927 not PI101511:

- Unable to select the option for device-based Activation Lock within a PreStage for Shared iPad.
- The checkbox for "Enable Activation Lock on the device" will revert to "unchecked" state upon save of the PreStage, and device-based Activation Lock is not enabled upon enrollment.

- Enable device-based activation lock manually, after enrollment, in a mass action command.