Posted on
09:07 AM
- last edited
Has anyone encountered an issue whereby Share Mac Analytics and Share with App Developers is automatically checked even though on the Security & Privacy profile under privacy the box is left unticked?
How would I go about making sure I can uncheck this box for all my users is this something that needs to be done via a plist?
Posted on 07-16-2019 11:16 AM
Yes. I just ran into this issue on 10.14 Macs. Even without a configuration profile, I try to uncheck the "Share Mac Analytics" but it always comes back checked, even after a reboot.
So, this seemed to stick. I am going through the Jamf CIS 10.13 GitHub scripts and found this command line:
defaults write /Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/DiagnosticMessagesHistory.plist AutoSubmit -int 0
Try opening Terminal and running that line. Here is the full script they are using if you are curious.
Audit2_6_8="$(defaults read "$plistlocation" OrgScore2_6_8)"
if [ "$Audit2_6_8" = "1" ]; then
AppleDiagn=$(defaults read /Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/DiagnosticMessagesHistory.plist AutoSubmit)
if [ $AppleDiagn == 1 ]; then
defaults write /Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/DiagnosticMessagesHistory.plist AutoSubmit -int 0
echo "$(date -u)" "2.6.8 remediated" | tee -a "$logFile"
Posted on 07-16-2019 11:30 AM
I was told this is PI-002899 by Jamf Support @Euwanh
Posted on 07-17-2019 02:39 AM
Yea thanks. I had to create a download the profile and then edit the line. 'AllowDiagnostic' to false.
Posted on 07-25-2019 12:28 AM
@afarnsworth - I cant locate that in the known issues list known issues. Do you have further details ? thx
Posted on 10-02-2019 09:06 AM
Not sure if I am blind but I have just tried to recreate this profile again and the option 'AllowDiagnostic' is not there. Has anyone else noticed this?