Posted on
09:28 AM
- last edited
a week ago
Hello Jamf Nation!
As times change and we continue to evolve as a company, we’re consistently thinking about how we can strategically align our resources to best serve you. Today we’re announcing a change to the Jamf One app. While we know the majority of you are not using this resource, for those who are, we wanted to share that we’ve made the decision to no longer invest in Jamf One moving forward. It is also no longer available for download. If you are a Jamf One app user, thank you for your understanding. And if you’re interested in some noteworthy enhancements that are coming to Jamf Nation…stay tuned. We have a lot planned to support how you connect with Jamf and each other.
Have a wonderful rest of your week!
Posted on 05-19-2021 10:05 AM
Disappointing news as I used the app regularly and was really hoping to see a native iPad version.
However, in Jamf we trust and I'm very much looking forward to those Jamf Nation enhancements!
Posted on 05-19-2021 11:36 AM
You know I won't let you down, @mark.mahabir :) Stay tuned...exciting things are on the horizon!
Posted on 05-19-2021 03:53 PM
Boy that’s disappointing news. I’m literally reading this thread and posting to it from the Jamf One app right now. ! Oh well.
Will the last version out there continue to work at least for a little while longer? Seems like it from what I can see so far.
Posted on 05-19-2021 04:26 PM
This was the interface I used on an iPad Mini to catch up on threads when on the go.
If there is a silver lining, perhaps it means that this FR is being looked at?
My FR to improve JN
Posted on 05-19-2021 04:36 PM
That's disappointing. Can the appropriate person go ahead and mark all related opened Jamf One feature requests as "Not Planned"?
Posted on 05-19-2021 08:39 PM
Disappointing news, but not surprised.
Posted on 05-20-2021 08:26 AM
@mm2270 - It will continue to work for a little while, yes. But there will be a point when it does break. Thanks for question!
@atomczynski If you know anything about me from Jamf Heroes, you know I always have a silver lining. :) Stay tuned!!!
@bpavlov You bring up another thing we're actively working to make better - feature requests. Hang tight, and you'll some enhancements here as well.
@jhbush I HATE disappointing customers, but just know much better things are on the horizon. Thank you for your passion.
Posted on 05-21-2021 01:28 AM
Sad news :(
@jasaba Are there any plans to make Jamf Nation available as an app to catchup our stuff on the go?
Posted on 05-21-2021 09:02 AM
@user-mzjjjOGBNF - Again, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it truly comes on the cusp of something much better. :) While I look forward to sharing more details (hang tight for a little while), Jamf Nation will be easier to use in the future. Thank you for your question!
Posted on 05-21-2021 11:48 AM
@jasaba I know it sounds like you've got things in the works. But unless the "cusp of something much better" is coming next week, I think cleaning up the feature requests for Jamf One should proceed. It's not that we don't trust you. But Jamf does not have a good history when it comes to cleaning up Feature Requests.
There's only 24 requests:
Posted on 05-21-2021 08:44 PM
Damn. Using Jamf One daily on my iPhone and was hoping for a native iPad version also. Posting this from an iPhone.
Hopefully the thing in the horizon is better than Jamf One and is available for both iOS and iPadOS.
Posted on 05-24-2021 12:11 AM
I downloaded Jamf One a while ago out of sheer curiosity — I think it had been announced at a JNUC conference.
Now that it’s being discontinued, I opened it again and I sorta understand the appeal of this app to certain users.
It’s an express way to access the forum. The current “Jamf ID” login sequence on JN is clunky at best, and there doesn’t appear to be any value to the end user (yet). By contrast I just opened Jamf One and started posting.
The formatting bar in this app is a nice touch for writing longer posts, and helpful for those who haven’t memorized markdown.
I am disappointed that the app was never modified to format the currently selected text. Instead, every time you tap the format buttons, it creates a new block of text with the formatting symbols at the very end of whatever you were editing, regardless of your present cursor position. This renders the toolbar into a glorified tutorial, reminding you of the syntax every time you tap it.
Posted on 05-24-2021 07:28 AM
@bpavlov Thank you for the suggestion! We just tagged the feature requests that weren't implemented with the appropriate tag and a response. And yes, work to improve the overall Feature Request process is underway! :) Have an awesome day!
Posted on 05-24-2021 10:55 AM
@jasaba With the work being done towards improving Jamf Nation, can I ask for another improvement to be done to the entire Jamf site itself, specifically towards the E-books and webinars. I have a Jamf account, I'm signed into it constantly. You already have all of my business and relevant information. Can you PLEASE stop asking me to fill out the survey every time I schedule to join a webinar or go to download an e-book. That information is always so great, but i'm tired of telling you that I am in a business and what my job title is every time I go to access it, even if its something i've accessed before and just need a new copy cause the old pdf is lost somehow.
Posted on 05-24-2021 01:10 PM
@sheltond3 I hear you. My mom actually asked the same thing (She used to read all the case studies when I wrote them.) :) I'm not responsible for, but I'm happy to pass along your message to my friends in Marketing. I'm sure they'll love to hear that you find value in the content. :) Thanks for the feedback!
Posted on 05-24-2021 04:37 PM
I'm mostly curious if "soon" = more or less than three years, as that seems to be the median age of FRs at Jamf.
Posted on 05-25-2021 01:08 PM
@tomt Totally fair. It'll be less than three years... :) Who knows...maybe we'll impress you this time around! (That's my secret hope at least!)
Posted on 05-26-2021 07:02 AM
A Jamf Slack Workspace perhaps...?
Posted on 05-26-2021 07:47 AM
@grahamrpugh I sincerely hope not. Slack is great for having discussions in real time. It's a horrible platform for searching for old solutions or discussions on issues though. Conversations are too fluid. Think of how there are old discussions that are often brought back after months or even a year or more of inactivity.
It also would be a terrible replacement for the Feature Request system that's currently in place. You would barely be able to search those kind of requests. Wouldn't be able to see what status those FRs might be in (this is a failure on Jamf's end, to not update the state of FRs regularly).
There probably other issues but those immediately come to mind.
Posted on 06-16-2021 07:37 AM
@jasaba Can I make a recommendation if it's not too late to change the subject of this discussion... "Shift in Service to Jamf One App" makes me think I'm supposed to "shift to" or start using it. "Notice about Jamf One App" or "Altered Service for Jamf One App" if you really want to retain the mystery that might give its dedicated users hope that maybe it's not being deprecated... :-)
Posted on 06-26-2021 06:39 PM
@gabester I missed your post for 10 days. My apologies! I appreciate that you, and others, are sad to see the Jamf One app go, but I hope what's coming will more than make up for it. :) Thanks for your patience as we move a few things forward!