Posted on 02-03-2017 12:47 AM
Hi All,
I'm trying to run the following command to turn on file extensions. This will work if I run this via terminal on the logged in users, but I can't make this work through user for the current logged in users.
defaults write GlobalPreferences AppleShowAllExtensions -bool true"
Any help would be great.
Posted on 02-03-2017 04:53 AM
Mitch you could set this via a Managed Preference in the JSS.
If you want to use a script it would be possible via /Users/username/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist
With a script you could gather the logged in user and then set the parameter from there.
Posted on 10-09-2019 08:07 PM
Since Managed Preferences are done and over, is there any way to make this stick with Config Profiles in modern macOS?
Posted on 05-10-2021 12:14 PM
You can do an Apple Script
tell application "Finder"
set all name extensions showing of Finder preferences to true
end tell
The easy way to run this as the local user:
sudo -u $3 osascript <<eos
tell application "Finder"
set all name extensions showing of Finder preferences to true
end tell