Posted on
05:35 AM
- last edited
I just upgraded to 9.96 a couple days ago and I've discovered that the Show in Finder button in Casper Admin does nothing. Not a thing. Nada. Zip. I click it all day long and the package or script I have selected is never revealed to me. Am I the only one?
Funny thing though, the elevator doors are closing with a quickness when I click that button.
Posted on 11-04-2016 05:55 AM
Confirmed over here as well @AVmcclint. On 9.96
Posted on 11-04-2016 07:14 AM
Broken for me as well. JSS 9.96 macOS 10.11.6
Posted on 11-04-2016 07:50 AM
OK as long as I'm not the only one.
Posted on 11-04-2016 08:16 AM
From what I've found, it still mounts the volume but it does not launch the Finder location. I can then manually "Go to Folder..." /Volumes/CasperShareName/Packages.
Posted on 11-04-2016 08:27 AM
@kendalljjohnson Running Casper Admin always mounts your primary DP (at least if you're using SMB/AFP) so the mount isn't triggered by the Reveal in Finder button. The fact that it mounts as a being hidden in the Finder (although visible in /Volumes) my be related to the button not being functional.
Posted on 11-04-2016 10:05 AM
@AVmcclint the Reveal in Finder button problem you are experiencing is a known issue. The PI is PI-002981 if you want to add your impact statement with your TAM. I use that button often. Kind of bummed it's broken.
Posted on 11-04-2016 12:25 PM
We were using JDS instances and ran into the same issue in 9.96. After some discussion, we decided to move to SMB shares. Best move we made.
Posted on 11-04-2016 12:38 PM
Confirmed that if your setup with SMB, the Show in Finder works! Running 9.96 on OS X 10.10.x
Posted on 11-04-2016 12:44 PM
We're using AFP here and the button doesn't work for us. No JDS or SMB shares in our environment. Sounds like it doesn't affect all types of file shares.
Posted on 11-04-2016 12:57 PM
A word of warning to anyone using AFP or SMB shares - there's a nasty "feature" in Casper (at least through 9.96) that doubles the network traffic for a package installation policy due to the package being verified across the network prior to download rather than after it has been copied to the destination machine. See the feature request Perform package verification AFTER downloading for details and discussion of a workaround.
Posted on 11-09-2016 10:56 AM
Not working for me. Running 9.96 and using SMB.
Works on older Admin, guess I'll save that VM snapshot. Bummer.
Posted on 11-09-2016 11:04 AM
Hey all,
We're aware of this issue and have it filed under PI-002981.
If you haven't already opened a case and would like to have one attached to PI-002981, please get in touch with your TAM by giving them a call, sending an e-mail to, or by using the My Support section of JAMF Nation.
Amanda Wulff
Jamf Software Support
Posted on 11-09-2016 11:47 AM
Our shares are SMB. I just sent email to support asking to add a "ME TOO!" to PI-002981 At first I thought it was a minor annoyance that I could live with until it was fixed, but over the past few days I've paid attention to how often how much I actually use that button. It's much more than a minor annoyance.
Posted on 04-07-2017 04:42 AM
Good Morning,
This isn't working in 9.98 as well. Any ideas how to fix it?
Posted on 12-08-2017 07:03 AM
Still does not work in Version 10.0.0-t1508873342
Posted on 02-02-2018 03:58 PM
In V 10.1, show in finder still not working :(
Posted on 03-06-2019 07:37 AM
Worked until we moved from a Mac Server on premise to a on premise Ubuntu VM and upgraded from 10.7 to 10.9. Has remained broken from 10.9 -> 10.10 -> 10.10.1. Mounts via SMB.