Show self service item only after package is cached

New Contributor III

In thinking about the upgrade to Mavericks for my group of teachers who are my "test" people, I want to have the Install OS X Mavericks cache to their machine prior to them running the policy in Self Service to install the cached package. However, I don't want the Self Service policy to run the cached installer to appear in Self Service until the item is cached. Is there some logic I can provide to accomplish this? I am thinking perhaps make a smart computer group that looks for the cached item, and scope the install cached OS X Mavericks policy to that smart group.



That's exactly how we do it. A policy to cache a large package, run inventory at the end of said policy, then a smart group that contains machines with that cached package. Create a self service policy based on that smart group and done.


That's exactly how we do it. A policy to cache a large package, run inventory at the end of said policy, then a smart group that contains machines with that cached package. Create a self service policy based on that smart group and done.

New Contributor II

How does one go about doing what you two mention? Sounds intriguing.


Contributor III

For OS upgrades, here is my workflow:

Create a static group for your testers. Run a policy to cache the Mavericks installer and update inventory.
Create a smart group that checks for the presence of the cached Mavericks installer.
Set up a policy, scoped to the smart group, that installs the cached package. Set reboot to current volume, no bless.

New Contributor III

Ah ok cool. I did not dig deep enough into the criteria for smart groups, duh. Click on the All Criteria button, and there is one for Has Cached Package, and it allows you to select a package that has a policy for it to be cached.

New Contributor

I have tried this as outlined by barnesaw a few times without success. The cache policy has these results:

[STEP 1 of 2]
Caching package...
Downloading http://<domain>/CasperShare/Packages/Install%20OS%20X%20Mavericks.InstallESD.dmg...
Verifying DMG...
[STEP 2 of 2]
Running Recon...

Then the install policy gets these results:

[STEP 1 of 1]
Installing Install OS X Mavericks.InstallESD.dmg...
Preparing for in-place OS upgrade...
Closing package...
Creating Reboot Script...

The computer reboots and it is still on the old OS. Any ideas?


@natwonder In your policy that installs the cached package, under Options tab > Restart Options make sure the Startup Disk is set to "OS X Installer".

New Contributor

That was it @stevehahn! Thank you!


Glad I could help--this community has helped me so much, so it's nice to be able to give back. :)