Sierra 10.12.4 - Dock Reverts to Default After Restart

New Contributor

Has anyone else come across the issue of having a users dock revert to the default dock that Apple provides? I have had this issue since imaging with 10.12.4 and it is my understanding that the dockfixup is responsible for this?

I have found a little bit of documentation and I have tried installing a dock profile that I thought would override this issue however after restarting the machine, the users dock settings are not saved and they are issued with the default dock set up.

Does anyone have any insight as how to get around this for the end user?



Is it one user on the system or all users? If only one user check the permissions on the ~/Library folder

New Contributor

I believe it is all users. I originally tested for one local account and it was an admin account. I will test additional users and post the results here

New Contributor III

Having the same issue but it seems to be random for me.

New Contributor

I'm having the same issue but only affecting ONE machine. ~/Library/ permissions seem normal and match up with other Macs.

New Contributor

Hello, I have the same problem now that some laptops have their dock reverted to the default setting.
Has anyone found out wat is causing this?
There is nothing configured (policy or configuration profile to reset and/or change the dock.
This happens after installing updates or pushing a configuration profile.

We make use of the JAMF PRO-cloud and laptops have Mojave installed.

With regards

New Contributor

Keeps happening with me, too. Only two different Macbook Pros and happens randomly after restart. Running Catalina.