Silicon computer disabling network settings once the employee takes it home

New Contributor II

Hello everyone, the title is the base of what's going on but I want to add a few more details. Our organization has been having issues with new Silicon based Macs when an employee takes it home. The error that the computer is showing says, "No Network Connection" when attempting to open applications such as Zoom and Slack but is opening fine. So the computer is receiving network, it's just not the applications that are functional.

We enroll the machines using Pre-Stage Enrollment and it's working fine in the office but once the employee takes it home the network issue starts. 

Has anyone else ran across this? Thank you in advance. 


Contributor II

sounds like the network is fine, but zoom is looking for the previous IP. Any other applications have issues or just zoom? Guess I would be down to the basics with the end user: reboot device, reboot router, any other applications have issues?, does zoom web version work? ect.. Maybe even does zoom work from a personal device (if not it could be an ISP ) . with my users I would naturally assume the left the office laptop powered on and zoom running. 

Slack is also having issues with a similar error and the web version of Zoom doesn't work either. I did have a user perform the usual troubleshooting but it didn't help. Not until I brought the machine back to the office and removed all preferred networks and re-added them did it work BUT once it was brought back to the users house, same thing. 

oye.. and your zoom/slack setups, are they cloud based or on-prem? If on prem I would go back to trying web versions.. weather web version work or do not work it should at least give you more pieces of the puzzle.  I agree with the other comment it really does not make sense that this would be a M1 only issue, unless the issue a policy you only have assigned to M1s.. Is it possible the people with M1s just happen to be the ones using it from home? 

They're all cloud based and not working their web portal counterparts aren't working either. The only computers that we've noticed having these issues are M1s. 

I do not envy you right now.. every thought I have would not make sense if its only M1. Are you on paid subscriptions that you have support> or have you checked their forums?  guess the quickest resolution I can think of is get these people on VPNs if possible.. but I really do not think any of this makes sense. 

Valued Contributor II

What are you doing to these machines network wise? VPN, pac based filter, DNS based filtering like OpenDNS, or Cisco Umbrella? I can't imagine  the fact that it's running an M chip be the factor here, but are you saying those with Intel machines don't have this issue?

The office doesn't have any changes to it. It's straight IPv4. And yes, the issues we are experiencing are only with the M1 computers. 

The installed/scoped configuration profiles and policies of a working and non-working Mac are the same, correct? What about OS versions. Are they similiar?

I'd grab a fresh machine (if you have one) and scope very little or nothing at all to it. Get it on your office network first then take it offsite or connect it to a hotspot and see what's what. No issues? Then start adding profiles back one by one then policies one by one until the issue manifests itself.