Posted on 04-11-2017 02:21 PM
How would I edit this script to only capture a single Mobile Device Group? I tried just editing line 119, which had a string for "/JSSResource/mobiledevices", but that didn't cut it. Here's the error I guess (as a very, very poor coder) is that somehow I need to tell it to look farther than just the very top indent for "mobile_devices"
Getting device list from the JSS...
Unexpected error obtaining Device List: (<class 'urllib2.URLError'>, URLError(error(111, 'Connection refused'),), <traceback object at 0x7fa737782c20>)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 201, in <module>
File "", line 99, in main
File "", line 106, in grabDeviceIDs
for deviceListJSON in (getDeviceListFromJSS()["mobile_devices"]):
TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'