Slow Login after Sleep Mountain Lion

New Contributor III

I have AD bound Macbook Pros that, when off site, will take anywhere between 6 and 15 minutes to login after sleep or screen saver...

Is this a Mountain Lion bug anybody else has been experiencing?

It doesn't take that long for the local Admin account (almost immediate login), just network accounts. The accounts are Mobile, Managed, Admin accounts.

All updates have been run.




We've had similar issues with 10.7 as well. We're using Mobile, managed non Admin accounts. I've tried changing the LDAP timeout settings with no noticeable difference.

New Contributor III

I would be curious to see a sysdiagnose report to check on what processes are running (or if you can even spawn a new process while the system is in the process of letting you get back to work.)

  • sysdiagnose can be triggered upon pressing a special key chord; Control-Option-Command-Shift-Period.

Once you get logged in, look for Finder to open a window to the temp directory. If not, navigate to /private/var/tmp and expand the file sysdiagnose_2013.05.27_18-32-56-CDT.tar.gz (your dates and times will vary) and copy the folder to your desktop. I'd start with looking at the ps_aux.txt file and logs/system.log (the end of it) to see if anything looks promising as an error condition or a process that's taking CPU / being run while the delay is in progress.

Reading these files is a bit of an art - and there's a total overload of data that doesn't apply in most situations.