Slow Login to Domain

New Contributor

I have a user who is using an iMac to login to the DOmain. All the other Macs seem to login as normal within in a minute to the domain but we have 1 that has started to take between 7-13 minutes to login to the domain. I do not see any error messages. Has anyone seen this before?


Contributor II

Does the system have McAfee installed on it? If so which version?

Contributor II

Try this to reduce your login time on all Macs:


# set the timeout to 10 seconds
/usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/ DSBindTimeout -int 10

And then see if that one Mac is fixed or if it still has an issue. If it's still slow, at least at that point you probably know it's not AD specifically that's causing it.

Contributor III

We had similar issues in some labs on login. Some machines would login no issues, some would take 5 mins or so.

After much troubleshooting, we ended up disabling auto network share mounting on login. Haven't had issues since!

Valued Contributor III

@charles.hitch We have McAfee and bound to AD. What symptoms do you see, with what versions? Curious.