Slow Server and JSS after 9.1 update

New Contributor

We updated our JSS and casper suite to 9.1 today from 8.71. Everything seemed to go fine but later noticed the server (osx 10.6.8) and the JSS are super slow. Has anyone experienced this?


New Contributor III

This has been happening to us for weeks

New Contributor III

This has been happening to us for weeks

New Contributor III

This has been happening to us for weeks

New Contributor III

We aren't sure if it was our client count spiking or the JSS update, but we moved our database to a seperate server and it has really made things run well. We were running into random slowdowns and ones caused by applying a profile to large amounts of mobile devices.

New Contributor

Ours operated at what I would say is a normal speed on 8.71. No lag, no hangs. Doing some searching I come up with the slowdown could possibly be related to tomcat and or mysql? But I honestly don't know enough about either to say if thats true or not.

New Contributor III

We also raised out Tomcat memory and Tomcat thread count before we split it into two servers, those kind of helped but not really.

New Contributor III

How did you split them into 2 servers

New Contributor

We are still dealing with some slowness in our JSS after moving from 8.7 to 9.11, but after a tweak to mysql it went back to life. (at least today..)
My tweaks:
max_connections=550 expire_logs_days=14 max_binlog_size=176M

Running JSS 9.11 in a 10.8.5 xserve with 24GB

hope it helps a bit and any observation to my setup is welcomed ;)

Valued Contributor II

Not that I think this has anything to do with your current issue but: Did you leave an extra connection for MySQL (related to max_connections). If you've allowed for 550 max connections in the DataBase.XML you need to leave an extra thread in server.xml (maxThreads="551")

Back on topic. How is your MySQL database performing? Are you monitoring the connections and load? If not, MySQL workbench is a great free tool for doing just that.

New Contributor

Thanks for the tips Chris, I installed workbench and it works perfectly.

We still see some hiccups at the server, but I'm sure this tool will help us on getting to source of the problem.

Valued Contributor II

I hope so! I experienced something similar but it turned out to be the very beginnings of a I/O issue and replaced the drive that the db lived on.