Smart group based on multiple configuration profile identifiers?

New Contributor II

I wanted to create a smart group that contains computers that have two different configuration profiles installed. That is, both of them, not one or the other.

I created a smart group with the criteria:

configuration profile identifier is XYZ


configuration profile identifier is ABC

No results. I know for a fact that with have 100+ computers with both installed, mine included. Tried both identifies separately and found all correct matches. But as soon as I add more than one to the criteria, it does not work. Is this expected or am I doing something wrong?





Esteemed Contributor II

@elazer Have you tried Profile Name as your criteria, instead Profile Identifier?

New Contributor II

Name works as intended. Might go ahead and use it, but names can change. Identities would feel more secure.

Esteemed Contributor II

@elazer At least you have a workaround. I'd suggest you open a support case with Jamf to investigate why you can't use profile identifiers in the same manner.

New Contributor II

@sdagley Contacted Jamf, they suggested trying closed parenthesis around the criteria. That works as well. As in (Profile identifer X) -and- (Profile identifier Y). They would however create a PI since it seems to be a bug.

Esteemed Contributor II

@elazer Thanks for the followup, very useful to know there is a workaround.