Smart group for out of date OS patches

Contributor II

How are you listing systems that are out of date?

I scope an update mechanism to a smart group for Catalina systems that are above 10.15.1 and are not build 19H15 - yet all of my Catalina systems show in the Smart group - not just the systems that need said security patch

I'd like to have a smart group showing all systems that aren't current for the OS build.

Suggestions on how to set it up?


Valued Contributor II

It's not ideal but you can do it by getting familiar with regex and operating system build.

Example: Operating System Build matches regex ^19([A-G]d{1,4}|H([0-9]|1[0-4]))$

The regex gets more complicated as the build numbers grow in character length. It would be really nice if Jamf built this into the product.