Smart group to determine which Macs have Rapid Security Response Update installed

New Contributor III

Hi all. I can easily create a smart group to determine which Macs are running 13.4.1, but what about 13.4.1 (c)? Is there a way to tell which Macs have that update installed? Thanks


Contributor II

JAMF Version 10.47.0

SmartGroup>New>Criteria>add>show advanced>Operating System Rapid Security Response

Screenshot 2023-07-16 at 2.28.17 PM.png

View solution in original post


Esteemed Contributor II

@fotofojo Jamf Pro, at least version 10.46.1, does collect the supplemental build version info, but doesn't offer it as a search criteria. You can work around that by using an EA to query the supplemental build version and then use that EA as a Smart Group criteria. Here's the EA I wrote for that:



# EA - Get macOS Supplemental Build Version
result=$(/usr/bin/sw_vers --productVersionExtra)
echo "<result>$result</result>"


Note that EA doesn't check for to see if the "--productVersionExtra" option is supported because my environment is all macOS Ventura which added that option. If you're using older versions of macOS in your environment the following EA which provides the raw macOS Build version might be more appropriate:



# EA - Get raw macOS Build version
result=$(/usr/bin/sw_vers -buildVersion)
echo "<result>$result</result>"


New Contributor III

Thank you for this. I created the EA. What criteria value should I put in for the smart group?

is the JAMF built in not working correctly?

New Contributor III

Thanks. I now see that it is built in to inventory display. Thanks @sdagley for the EA info and @efil4xiN for pointing out that it's built in now. I have marked that as the solution.

Esteemed Contributor II

@fotofojo If you used the 1st EA it returns "(c)" if RSR 13.4.1(c) is installed.

That said, if you are running a version of Jamf Pro that supports the "Operating System Rapid Security Response" criteria that @efil4xiN identified you should definitely use that instead of the EAs I provided (annoyingly with the new forum software I can't edit my original post to indicate there's a better way).

Contributor II

JAMF Version 10.47.0

SmartGroup>New>Criteria>add>show advanced>Operating System Rapid Security Response

Screenshot 2023-07-16 at 2.28.17 PM.png

Esteemed Contributor II

@efil4xiN Thanks for the heads up on the RSR criteria. I missed those being mentioned in the JSS release notes, so time to remove the EAs I've been using from when they weren't available.

Valued Contributor III

Added 13.4.1. Who knows, we may need the (c) again for 13.5.1 or something with Apple.

Screenshot 2023-07-17 at 8.14.53 AM.png