Smart groups - comparing attributes

Contributor II

Hi there,

I'm wondering if there's a way to create a smart group that compares 2 attributes. For example, I want to ask if "Asset Tag" "is not like" "Computer Name".

The reason I ask is that our computer names are based on our asset tag - so for example if the asset tag is "A12345" then the computer name would be "MA12345". I want to know when this gets changed (users have admin rights, which is another issue altogether).

The only way I can think of at the moment is to create a script that pulls the asset tag from the REST API, runs a comparison, and then uploads as an Extension Attribute as a true/false flag. Seems a little roundabout though.

Is there a better way?


Release Candidate Programs Tester

Bookmarked this a while ago

Look at the post at the bottom by tlakrin that refers to doing this on version 9. Tested a few times a while back and it worked great.
Then check the logs to see who was trying to change the name.

Contributor II

Ah, neat. I've been holding off on upgrading to v9, because everytime I consider it, I see a post about a bug that makes me think otherwise. I've only got the one Mac server, so I can't do a test upgrade, and I need to plan accordingly.

Looks like I'm going to have to do it soon anyway, as all my new Macs are coming up as "iMac14,2" as opposed to "iMac (Late 2013)"

Thanks for the tip!