Some Cool Extension Attributes I have made!

Valued Contributor

Hey everyone here are some cool EA's. I haven't found how to upload EA's since the website has been change a little.

ARD Enabled

echo "<result>`cat /private/etc/RemoteManagement.launchd`</result>"

This script will report a simple "enabled" or nothing. Great way to find out who's trying to hide!

Bound AD Object

adObject=`dsconfigad -show | awk '/Computer Account/{print $NF}' | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' | sed s/.$//`
echo "<result>$adObject</result>"

This little script will report the "Computer Account" field from dsconfigad -show and make the data a little cleaner.

Local Time

echo "<result>`systemsetup -gettime | cut -c 7-`</result>"

This script reports the local time on the machine. Great for troubleshooting Directory Services issues. If you match the Last Report Date with this EA you will get a good idea of who's clock is messing things up.

Quicktime Pro License

if [ -f "/Library/Preferences/" ]; then
 result=`/usr/bin/defaults read /Library/Preferences/ "Pro Key" | grep Registration | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/"//g' | sed 's/;//g'`
echo "<result>$result</result>"

This reports the QT Pro License Key being used, if one is being used.



Cool, thanks for sharing, Matt!