Posted on
09:43 AM
- last edited
Hi, I browsed through several forums before posting this. I created a dmg file that contains the Sophos & Sophos Installer Components folder.
My policy places the dmg at to /private/tmp/Sophos.
Then a script runs to install it:
/private/tmp/Sophos/Sophos --install
It would constantly fail on High Sierra. I came across the article regarding how Deploy Studio changes the permissions on the Library folder, so I fixed that by added a script to fix the permissions at the end of my workflow.
That works fine.
I also have a Configuration Profile which allows Sophos as an allowed Approved Kernel Extension.
Everything seemed fine until Sophos 9.6.7.
Now after all of that it fails with:
Error writing: (/usr/local/bin/SophosUpdate)
"The file SophosUpdate couldnt be saved in the folder "bin"."
I even tried adding these lines to my install script:
sudo chmod a+x /private/tmp/Sophos/Sophos
sudo chmod a+x /private/tmp/Sophos/Sophos
which I saw in an article 120570 relating to Sophos Central.
Nothing seems to work. Should I pre-create the folder it is looking for? Has anyone else encountered this?
Posted on 09-12-2018 01:37 PM
@msnowdon I'm running into the same issue. If anybody has a fix would love to hear it.
Posted on 01-24-2019 07:22 AM
Still having this issue. I even recreated the package but it always fails with: Error writing: (/usr/local/bin/SophosUpdate) "The file SophosUpdate couldnt be saved in the folder "bin"."