SPSS 30 .licenseactivator not working

New Contributor III

I have had success with scripts to insert the auth code for SPSS in past but SPSS 30 will not apply code through script. Popup still comes up. Script that used to work was this one. I have tried few option using the SPSS instruction manual but no success. What's working for you all? 

Screenshot 2025-03-19 at 10.37.21 AM.png


Valued Contributor II

you might want to bin that image while you can? if its a real licence? 

Contributor II

This is a known issue with v30. Refer to https://www.ibm.com/mysupport/s/defect/aCIKe000000g10QOAQ/dt409141?language=es for more info

in short, rename the app bundle, run the activator then rename it back to original name…

mv "/Applications/IBM SPSS Statistics/IBM SPSS Statistics.app" "/Applications/IBM SPSS Statistics/SPSS Statistics.app"

# do the activation

mv "/Applications/IBM SPSS Statistics/SPSS Statistics.app" "/Applications/IBM SPSS Statistics/IBM SPSS Statistics.app"