SSO enablement for JAMF URL

New Contributor III

Hello All,

I just wanted to know if I can bypass the SSO authentication putting "?failover" after my JAMF console URL then what is the point to use SSO, or it is known to administrator only not for others? Or it can be stopped also to bypass in this way?


Contributor III

The failover url can be randomized(regenerated) and can only be seen by the administrators

Valued Contributor

The whole point of having the failover is if your SSO provider isn't working properly and you can't login then you use the failover so you can still login to your Jamf Pro server. The whole point of having a SSO is to only allow authorized users to login to your Jamf Pro server. 

Valued Contributor III

it won't work unless you turn on fail over.. 

New Contributor III

So security team can enable that option in their console?

Valued Contributor III

Capture 2023-06-01 at 17.58.46.png

 plus the recent update to randomise the URL.. only an admin will know it.. 

New Contributor III

So if I uncheck it from Jamf console then it will be disabled to bypass SSO authentication?

Valued Contributor III

correct, but.. if you SSO goes down.. or something goes.. funky.. you won't be able to log in.. so make sure you have a back up plan.. 

New Contributor III

Make sense what you said, but if SSO goes down that time security team can remove the SSO also if I cant login to my Jamf console, correct?

Valued Contributor III

depends on your business security requirements. I'd suggest checking in with jamf support on this. 

New Contributor III

Make sense, thanks a ton.

Valued Contributor II

That was a long concern about the failover login as it was the same for every Jamf instance. Now you can generate a random URL that is unique to your instance. Go in to Settings -> Single Sign On. Click edit and click the regenerate button. Take note of the URL that is generated. If you every need to login with a local account (like your "break glass in case of emergency" account) you will need this random URL. 

New Contributor III

Make sense, that is a good news for security.