Posted on 07-18-2014 01:28 PM
using casper imaging to create a standard account for the user of some computers in carts. after the image processes i go into the system settings to change the users pic and i cant do it?? is that typical of standard users??? to test something different, setup user as admin, then have a script demote them to regular user on first boot and still unable to change user pic. any ideas??
Posted on 07-18-2014 02:31 PM
That is not normal behavior. Standard users should be able to change their user picture. Try changing it from the command line and let us know what happens:
dscl . -create /Users/<username> Picture "/Library/User Pictures/Sports/8ball.tif"
Relaunch System Preferences and check the user pane. The user picture should have changed to the 8ball icon.
If this doesn't work, try repairing permissions on the drive. Also you may be trying to assign a user picture file that the particular user does not have permission to read. This can happen if you are trying to change the picture of a user with the file inside of another user's home folder. This won't work. Make sure any picture files you want to use are readable by all users. You can do this via this command line. Keep in mind also that all containing folders must also be readable by the user trying to read the file:
sudo chmod +r /path/to/file.ext
Posted on 07-18-2014 03:09 PM
will do some testing and let you know. in casper imaging i usually use the default witch is the eagle. not trying to do anything with a custom pic. just select a different one from the stock pics
Posted on 07-21-2014 07:10 AM
@seanhansell After i imaged a computer i edited the first run script to fix permissions right before the reboot. let the computer image, and still couldn't change the picture. ran the command above and it changed the picture just fine. When in system preferences, i click users and click on my standard user, (logged in as this user for this processes) i can changed the picture if i click the pad lock and authenticate, then i can change the user pic. still though that standard users had the right to change the pic regardless of that.