Standard Users can't reset password...

Contributor II

I saw this already posted with no answer.

I am working at a school that is using Deploy Studio to create local accounts. The standard users can not reset their own passwords. I have checked permissions for DSCL, ID, and CHPASS all have executable permissions.

We are testing through Users and Groups. The message is: "Your system administrator may not allow you to change your password or there was some other problem with your password."

Any ideas? Thanks!


New Contributor

I have the same issue. Anyone have a suggestion?

Contributor II

I found that this can be set in the Parental Controls, but I don't know where in Deploy Studio it is setting this.

New Contributor

You said local password accounts but wanted to know if these accounts were tied to an Active Directory / Network account or if the machine itself has an account on the Active Directory. I've seen the "Your system administrator may not allow you to change your password or there was some other problem with your password." message with AD accounts when 1) the user is off the network and trying to change their password or 2) issue with AD join of machine account requiring unbinding and rebinding the machine account to the AD.

In addition, if there are specific password rules the user does not comply to then the same message is shown. This would include password length, inclusion of lower case, upper case, numbers and special characters, number of times they can change their password in a day or if the passwords repeats from a previously used password.

Contributor II

We have a script which we run through Casper remote to create local accounts and we are defining what UID we want the user to have. (among other things)

I have/had this same problem. We got the same message.

The machine is not setup or bound to ASD or OD.

EDIT- If the system pref pane is unlocked, the Standard user can change password. If the pref pane is locked they cannot.

EDIT - Parental control changes had no effect on this Turning on "Parental Controls" via the checkbox allows the password to be changed.
I did not make any modifications in the Parental Controls panel. Still testing to see if that is all that needs to be done.

I am going to Add "enable parental controls" to the script to see if that 'automates' it all again.