Posted on 05-24-2013 07:49 AM
Adobe's Flash Player developer elves have to keep updates, no paycheck:
Posted on 05-24-2013 07:52 AM
Welcome to Wednesday ;-)
Posted on 05-25-2013 05:39 AM
Haven't I seen that number before...
Posted on 05-25-2013 11:11 PM
Thanks for the heads-up Don!
Posted on 05-29-2013 10:37 AM
And get this, here's the only change:
**Fixed Issues:
Audio stream cuts off on certain websites after 10-60 seconds(3541383)
New Features
There are no features in this release.
Security Enhancements
There is no security bulletin update for this release.
Known Issues
Some newer AMD Graphics Processing Unit drivers exhibit rendering issues in certain circumstances (3431502)
Webcam fails when used in conjunction with Microsoft Kinect (3482709)
In AIR for iOS, cannot package localized swf names (3518195)
In AIR for iOS, giving focus to a Spark TextArea component can cause text to be truncated (3514889)
Long application description in AIR installation dialog causes the buttons to not be visible (3515305)
Slight lag in FLVPlayback video looping (3515066)
Large bitmaps which are scaled down do not render correctly when published (3520589)
On AIR, custom context menu items fire extra events (3493614)
In the Chrome browser, Swapping microphones at runtime fails (3493587)
In InternetExplorer, when flash content is scrolled out of view, audio can be garbled (3520586)
AAC audio becomes distorted when you attach an enhanced microphone with AEC (3523551)
Posted on 06-01-2013 12:20 AM
What's the standalone installer URL again?
Posted on 06-01-2013 05:21 AM
You can apply to distribute Flash Player from and they will send you a download link.
Posted on 06-01-2013 07:33 AM
Thanks but like i said before, did that twice with no response from Adobe.