sudo: Jamf: command not found

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi ,

I got a managed computer which did it's last check yesterday morning .
the last thing I did with this mac is update to the latest 10.12.6 a week ago , nothing other special thing I can think of.
I can't run simple jamf commands on this computer and gets "jamf command not found" .
Jamf binary installed on it in the default path /usr/local/jamf/bin/jamf .
Trying un it with full command path doesn't work either .
any clue what went wrong with this machine ?

Thanks ,


Valued Contributor II

Does it do this using every Jamf verb? Perhaps the Jamf components got damaged after the update. Sometimes, I have some managed systems that stop checking in. Running a quickadd on them usually fixes that. For this, you could try running a quickadd on this system to repair the Jamf components on this system.

New Contributor III

Have you put the period in front of the path?

sudo ./usr/local/jamf/bin/jamf

or alternate method, three commands in a row..

sudo su
cd /usr/local/jamf/bin

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

@howie_isaacks this is what I thinks I might do , But I wondered what may caused it .

@SimonCU nothing wroks , smae error message .

Thanks guys

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

just found out what caused this issue .
I was trying to run "sudo jamf policy" thru Casper Remote it failed , and since then I get this "jamf command not found" when I try to run it locally .
a Bug ?

Casper log :

Sending Wake On LAN command... Opening SSH Connection to Authenticating... Successfully authenticated. Verifying Computer's Identity... The MAC Address has been verified. Checking Operating System Version... Running Mac OS X 10.12.6 (16G29) Verifying /usr/local/jamf/bin/jamf... /usr/local/bin/jamf is (9.99.2-t1497984446) not the current version (9.99.0-t1494340586). Verifying /usr/sbin/jamf... /usr/sbin/jamf does not exist. Downloading /usr/local/jamf/bin/jamf from JSS... Moving jamf binary to /usr/local/jamf/bin/jamf... Created the jamf binary directory /usr/local/jamf/bin. Moving jamf binary to /usr/local/jamf/bin/jamf... Moved the JAMF CLI Binary to /usr/local/jamf/bin/jamf. Creating symlink /usr/local/bin/jamf... Enabling /usr/local/jamf/bin/jamf...

New Contributor III

Probably a failed download when it tried to update - if it arrived a few bytes short, then it will probably fail to validate when it tries to run. There is possibly a log file being produced somewhere, but as suggested, re-add it with a quick add [package if it is just a one off would probably be your best bet, as suggested by @howie_isaacks :)

Valued Contributor II

I see problems similar to this sometimes after I do a Jamf Pro upgrade.

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

what do you mean by Jamf pro Update ?
it's Jamf Cloud JSS 9.99.2-t1497984446 and I tried both Casper admin v9.99.0 and 9.100 , same result .

New Contributor III

I experience the exact same problem. Updated a MBP Late 2016 to 10.12.6 earlier this week and tried to run a "sudo jamf ..." command today locally on the machine and I get the message "sudo: jamf: command not found" after i typed in the password.

The funny thing is, that casper remote from another machine to that particular machine still works. Also the policies (e.g. at recurring check-in) keep working.

I already tried to re-enroll the machine with the QuickAdd package (which successfully completed), but the error message in the terminal is persistent.

Any ideas?

We are still using Casper 9.98 - anyone else still on 9.98 and experiencing troubles with 10.12.6?

New Contributor III

I wasn't able to fix the problem through the described solutions, so we upgraded our JSS to 9.100 and then i tried to re-enroll the machine, but the "jamf command not found" problem persisted.

After a restore of the whole machine it seems to work reliably again.