Summary reporting?

Not applicable

I'm sure there's a simple way to pull this but can someone help me to determine how many Macs updated their system updates successfully?

I have 300 clients do a weekly check on Tuesday, then the next 300 Wednesday, etc. Is there any easy way to pull a report automatically that says x number of machines installed updates this week?

Just like a one page report or something similar. My manager would like a glance overview of what Casper did for the week so he can provide metrics that the service is saving manpower. Thanks.

David Marcantonio


Honored Contributor

You could do a smart group (or advanced search) where you see if the
machines have more than 0 software updates available. Assuming that your
machines recon themselves after software update (or before you run the
report), that's an accurate list.

Not applicable

I already have a smart group setup for who needs updates. I was hoping there was a way to pull a log and see if it matches a time frame during the week that shows it ran and installed updates.

David Marcantonio

Not applicable

How are you telling your machines to update?

We've got a policy that just runs the terminal command: sudo softwareupdate -i -a

We, then, can check the logs for that specific policy periodically to see
how many machines have updated in whatever period of time we're looking for
via the Logs portion of the JSS.

Is that sorta what you're looking for?


Not applicable

I'm using the install system updates option in the policy.

David Marcantonio

Not applicable

Can you not just check the logs for when that policy runs?
Logs > "policy name" gives you machine names and the date/time the policy
ran, as well as a total number that have run since the last time you flushed
the logs.

Or is that not enough information for the report you're looking for?