Posted on 05-27-2014 11:48 AM
Right now we have students devices supervised by Apple Configurator and teachers devices unsupervised. We have just got DEP working, is there a reason why we do not want all devices (both students and teachers) supervised by JAMF? Should we keep it the same way (supervised for students and unsupervised for teachers)?
Posted on 05-27-2014 12:00 PM
Prior to iOS 7, Supervised devices would not connect to another computer via USB. Since teachers would not be able to on/off-load documents via iTunes, this may have been your reasoning to not Supervise teacher devices (if you deployed last summer). This is no longer the case with Supervised iOS 7 devices.
Posted on 05-27-2014 12:45 PM
Supervising using DEP will really help us keep track of our devices, so we want to get there for student 1 to 1 and Staff.
One issue you might consider is that for teachers you cannot restore an unsupervised backup to a supervised device.
That will be a pain point for us when getting from where we are now, to where we want to be.
Posted on 05-27-2014 06:42 PM
FWIW I have also had issues if you allow iCloud Restore screen as part of the setup assistant. When restoring a backup it will bypass the supervision. The device will be managed, I just lose the supervision after the restore.
Posted on 05-28-2014 08:52 AM
Is there any way to restore without losing supervision? Our students are taking their iPads home this summer and I was hoping to do a wipe -> activate/restore to get supervision through DEP. Perhaps a different place to backup the files that can be accessed through the iPad instead of a complete restore?
Posted on 05-28-2014 10:39 AM
I haven't tested it with a backup/restore through iTunes so that may be an option. But since there isn't a way to begin a restore once you are past the Setup Assistant it kind of puts a stop on my plans for this on Staff and our 1:1 student deployments.
Posted on 05-28-2014 06:08 PM
To restore an iPad and include supervision, the restore has to be done via Configurator.
Not too sure if OTA supervision is in use yet.
If it is done via iTunes, the iPad will lose supervision, enrolment and MDM.
To restore an iPad via Configurator, plug in the old iPad and back it up. Prepare the new iPad in Configurator, but when choosing to restore a backup choose the iPad backup you just made of the old iPad. Run through the setup assistant then enrol the iPad if you haven't already done so. All the data will be there, but not the apps, so just reinstall the apps and done.
To restore via iCloud with supervision, read the following thread:
We have a 1:1 iPad deployment in JS for Staff and Y1-4. So far both these procedures have worked with no issues when I have to swap over iPads that have been lost or broken.
Posted on 06-08-2014 04:05 PM
I have been waiting for OTA Supervision since it was announced. The chance to deploy fully untethered? The students and staff will need to back up data to various cloud services and it will be a fresh start. (Everyone is in one location so I'll still Trust each iPad with my old Configurator laptop.. is extremely helpful for unlocking Disabled iPads)
I am having students do an iCloud backup (and staff iTunes since they have computers) so if we really need data from an app we can restore to a temp device to grab it (using Phoneview or iExplorer).